Asian Spectator

Welcoming Hyun Bin to the Madame Tussauds family in Asia

  • Written by Madame Tussauds Singapore
SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 27 May 2022 - Hyun Bin (Kim Tae-pyung), South Korean actor will have his image immortalized in Madame Tussauds.

"When Madame Tussauds approached me for a wax figure immortalisation, I was very excited and looking forward to see the actual figure! Can't wait to show everyone how my figure will look like, said Hyun Bin. In the announcement video, Hyun Bin get his fans to guess how his figure will look like, and where it will be launched.

"The Korean market will be one of our strongest markets and have always been very important to our attractions in Asia. We believe that Hyun Bin's fans will be as excited as us to get up close and personal with him in Madame Tussauds. Upon unveiling his wax figure, it will be displayed in Madame Tussauds Singapore, Hong Kong and Bangkok. So do stay tune for our announcements on our social media channels on where will be Hyun Bin's first stop. " said Mei Chion LIM, Regional Marketing Director, Rest of Asia.

More information will be released on Madame Tussauds Singapore, Hong Kong and Bangkok's social media pages, so be sure to stay tune for more information!



  1. ^ Media OutReach (

Authors: Madame Tussauds Singapore

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