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Southco Releases New Heavy-Duty Draw Latch Designed for Substantially Heavier Doors and Panels

  • Written by Southco, Inc.

HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach[1] - 24 October 2019 - Southco has expanded its successful line of draw latches with the addition of a heavy-duty 37 Lever Assist Latch. Designed to accommodate misalignment of heavier doors and panels, the newest 37 Lever Assist Latch provides tight latch grip and additional clamping force in challenging operating conditions.

Southco Releases New Heavy-Duty Draw Latch Designed for Substantially Heavier Doors and Panels

37 Extra Heavy Duty Lever

Southco's 37 Lever Assist Latch series features a flexible design and substantial handgrip area that allows the latch to easily engage in challenging field conditions, even with gloved hands. Constructed of corrosion resistant, flexible rubber, 37 latches absorb and reduce vibration and will remain closed even when the application flexes or moves. Southco's 37 Draw Latch series offers proven reliability in harsh outdoor environments, providing a robust, flexible latching solution for a broad range of challenging industry applications including Off-Highway, Industrial Machinery and Transportation.

Global Product Manager Jim Grady adds, "Southco's 37 Draw Latch series allows heavy panels to be latched securely, even when there are large variations in alignment and tolerance. With its rubber body construction, the 37 Draw Latch series eliminates vibration and noise, and prevents common paint or finish damage that may be caused by metal-on-metal contact."


  1. ^ Media OutReach (

Authors: Southco, Inc.

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