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Singapore-based Halza to showcase their solutions at the Healthcare Expo 2019 in Taiwan

  • Written by Halza

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach[1] - 14 November 2019 - During the Healthcare Expo 2019, Emily Chin will display the preparedness of her and her family for visits to dentists, hospitals, clinics and more with Halza.

Singapore-based Halza to showcase their solutions at the Healthcare Expo 2019 in Taiwan


Simplify health management

Categorized medical records are available on the Halza APP for consumers and on the portal for doctors, dentists, and health professionals. They are secure and encrypted on Microsoft AZURE.

Gain quick insights into health conditions, vital signs, medical reports, images, dental records, a virtual view of teeth and mouth, and more. The Halza APP provides a powerful and insightful overview with strong visuals.

Staying in control, no matter the circumstance

Travelling overseas, one of Emily's family members is struck by food poisoning. She grants the attending doctor immediate access to the records for just a few hours, all within 30 seconds. That is the power of QuickShare on Halza.

Different language abroad? No problem, the Halza APP is available in 26 languages. We have put Emily and her family and their adventurous journey around the world at the forefront of our decision making at Halza.

Hospitals and clinics use Halza as a Customer Relationship Management tool by sending out Health Reminders for scheduling the next appointments, and push notifications during unexpected events.

The iEi Halza team is ready to showcase what the Halza APP helps patients with. Come by our booth to see the display and, of course, the coffee's on us!


5th - 7th Dec, 10am - 6pm

8th Dec, 10am - 4pm


Booth S1204, 7F, Hall 2, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center

Download the Halza app now!

Google Play:[2]

App Store:[3]

iEi Halza Joint-Venture for Taiwan

iEi Halza HealthIntelligence is the Taiwan-based joint-venture between Taipei-based iEi Technology Inc and Singapore-based Halza. The joint venture is empowered to bring Halza's APP to Taiwanese consumers and Medical Tourists visiting Taiwanese hospitals and clinics.

Authors: Halza

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