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EU ABC - First Business Council to Meet President Jokowi

  • Written by EU ASEAN Business Council

Forward looking discussion on deepening EU-Indonesia Ties

JAKARTA, INDONESIA - Media OutReach[1] - 29 November 2019 - The EU-ABC, together with EuroCham Indonesia, was honoured to be the first foreign business council President Joko Widodo met since kicking off his second term as President of Indonesia. This meeting was part of the Council's annual business mission trip to Indonesia, bringing more than 35 European Companies for meetings with the Indonesian Government and leading politicians. 

EU ABC - First Business Council to Meet President Jokowi

EU-ABC delegation with President Jokowi and key economic ministers at Istana Merdeka

President Jokowi set out his priorities for his second term encouraging European businesses to play a greater role in the inclusive economic development of the country, particularly in areas linked to sustainability, human capital development and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Speaking after the meeting the EU-ABC Chairman, Donald Kanak, said:  "It was a very productive, forthright discussion. EU-ABC made it clear that we recognise the need for inclusive growth in Indonesia and expressed the desire of our members to play a leading role in the country.  Indonesia faces many challenges. Ensuring equitable, inclusive and suitable economic development, and avoiding the middle-income trap is key. Now, more than ever, European business can be at the forefront in advancing the President's development goals."

Corine Tap, Chairwoman of EuroCham Indonesia said "We very much welcome this valuable opportunity to meet Indonesia's President and key ministers. EuroCham Indonesia stands ready to be a partner to the President and to his team as Indonesia embarks on a roadmap for economic transformation. Advancing EU-Indonesia relations, including the speedy conclusion of the EU-Indonesia CEPA negotiations which will boost EU-Indonesia trade and promote more European investments in the country."

At the meeting, the President also encouraged European business to continue their engagement with Indonesia and to resolve the ongoing issues regarding Palm Oil to which Chris Humphrey, Executive Director of the EU-ABC commented "We continue to encourage both the European Commission and the countries in ASEAN to have a constructive dialogue on this issue in order to resolve the misconceptions on both sides. The EU has not banned palm oil. However, there are understandable concerns in Southeast Asia about the EU's position, which needs to be discussed and fully understood.  Equally, the EU needs to recognise the significant advances the region has made on sustainability in palm oil production."

Meeting with the President was part of the EU-ABC business mission trip to Indonesia, where the delegation had fruitful discussions with President Jokowi's new cabinet. The Council was honoured to have met (1) Ministry of Agriculture; (2) Ministry of Communication and Informatics; (3) Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy; (4) BAPPENAS; (5) BKPM; (6) Ministry of Research and Technology; (7) Ministry of Finance; (8) Bank Indonesia; (9) Ministry of Health; (10) Ministry of Trade; (11) Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs; (12) Ministry of Industry; (13) Ministry of Trade; (14) DG Customs and Excise; (15) Ministry of Transportation; and, (16) OJK


  1. ^ Media OutReach (

Authors: EU ASEAN Business Council

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