Asian Spectator

The Times Real Estate


Niigata rice fair at Jiuguang in Shanghai

  • Written by Niigata Prefecture

NIIGATA, JAPAN - Media OutReach[1] - 9 January 2020 - Niigata Prefecture and Niigata City, in collaboration with JETRO Niigata, will hold a fair featuring rice produced in Niigata Prefecture at Jiuguang department store in Shanghai.

In the Chinese market, food safety awareness has been increasing along with the economic growth. Among Japanese food products that are in high demand, rice grown in Niigata Prefecture, an area that boasts the highest production volume and quality of rice in Japan, is particularly popular.

To respond to the needs, Niigata Prefecture of Japan will hold an event featuring rice produced in Niigata Prefecture for seven days from January 15 through 21, 2020 in the basement floor at Jiuguang department store in Shanghai. For the first time in about nine years, a Niigata rice fair will be held at a department store in China. This also marks the first event since Niigata rice export was resumed in November 2018.

Jiuguang is one of the most luxurious department stores in Shanghai and is known for always being thronged with many customers. As the event coincides with the busy season before Chinese New Year, huge visitor turnout is expected. Niigata rice will be on sale and visitors will also have an opportunity to sample delicious rice.

Niigata rice fair at Jiuguang in Shanghai

Niigata rice fair at Jiuguang in Shanghai

[Sampling and sale]

- Date/time: 10:00 - 18:00, January 15 - 21, 2020 (Rice sampling available irregularly)

- Place: Basement, Jiuguang department store, NO.1618 Nanjing West Road, Shanghai

- Event: Sale of Niigata rice 


  1. ^ Media OutReach (

Authors: Niigata Prefecture

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