Asian Spectator

Syinix launches the first android TV in Kenya with Size 8 Reborn

  • Written by Syinix

NAIROBI, KENYA - Media OutReach[1] - 15 July 2020 - Syinix[2] will be launching its first Android TV in Kenya at 10.30 pm, 15th July 2020. The Launch will be on NTV and Startimes Kenya and hosted by Size 8 Reborn. With the launch, Syinix will explain to customers in detail what the Syinix A20 series has to offer.


The Syinix A20 series has 32'', 43'', 50'' and 55'' screen. Here is a sneak peek of what the Syinix A20 series has to offer.


Syinix launches the first android TV in Kenya with Size 8 Reborn

Syinix defines new android TV


Syinix will offer 12+12 warranty on new Syinix Android TV and within those 2 years the customers will receive free repair service from Carlcare. The aim is to ensure that there is interaction with customers in order to answer questions, resolve supporting issues, improve credibility, and build stronger relationships with the clients.


The new Android TV is now compatible with Google Assistant, you can quickly find and play your favorite shows, get answers and control your home. The Bluetooth-enabled TV will allow you to use external speakers to get better sound. Comes with the Chrome cast built in feature, the TV allows one to stream your favorite shows, movies, music, sports, games, and more from your mobile device to the big screen.


It also offers breathtaking quality with the HDR advanced image processing technology, that can better reflect the visual effect in real environment and let users see richer and more realistic colors. The other goal of the HDR is to maintain as much of the original image quality as possible, all the way through to the living room.


The aesthetically pleasing television with its frameless structure shows the success of Syinix Android TV being the first true frameless television. The Syinix Android TV has a screen to body ratio of 96% for a larger and more optimal viewing experience and has a very thin bezel at the bottom.


The new Syinix Android TV as you can tell has much to offer to the customers. To provide further value to the customers, Syinix is partnering with Carlcare, to provide first-class-after sales services anytime, anywhere. 

Syinix constantly focused on providing top quality products and services to Kenyan families. Syinix Android TV is developed to provide the most affordable price and user-friendly technology for every member of the family to enjoy entertainment and better quality of life.


  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ Syinix (

Authors: Syinix

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