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Actress Sasqia Dahuri Means Business

  • Written by DUOLAC

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach[1] - May 28, 2017 - Having recently celebrated her engagement to Singaporean real-estate agent, Asyraff Khan, Sasqia Dahuri seems to be doing everything but taking a break.

In the past year, Sasqia has worked with numerous notable brands such as L'Oreal, Singtel, Clinique and Asus. Most recently, the 33-year-old Malaysian actress cum entrepreneur has also been appointed as one of the key influencers for Duolac[2], South Korea's number one selling probiotic brand and the worldwide patent holder of a state-of-the-art dual-coating technology.

"DUOLAC Care is the latest addition to my daily health regimen because I believe that good health starts in the gut," shared Sasqia. "And good health enables me to take on new challenges."


Actress Sasqia Dahuri Means Business


Every day, Sasqia wakes up before the break of dawn for a head start. After reviewing her to-do list and taking her probiotic supplement, she heads out for some workout to keep the mind sharp and clear for filming and business meetings. 

On top of her busy acting schedule, Sasqia also started her own fragrance - Sadona by Sasqia, late 2016. She recently shared that she is in the process of coming up with a line of hair mist and body mist. When asked about the over-saturation of celebrity fragrance market, Sasqia expressed that the key to survival and success remains with the fundamentals: Clear understanding of the market and matching product offerings with demand.

"Never enter a business without a clear plan and weighing all risks. A convincing business venture requires a solid business model canvas and thorough cost benefit analysis," added Sasqia.

Unbeknown to many, the actress's business ambition kindled when she was a Marketing Management undergraduate at Multimedia University Malaysia. She would rent out her second-hand car, given by her father, to other students while she carpooled with her friends to earn extra cash. Although it was a simple business model, it sparked a fire in her. It was also during her undergraduate years that she, with a group of friends, came up with the idea of a themed rooftop food court business but the business plan was put on hold due to insufficient funds. Nonetheless, Sasqia's long term plan involves being a full-time businesswoman in the food and beverage industry.

"Once I amass enough experience and have had a good run in the entertainment industry, I see myself dedicating my time to running a café or restaurant. Food and human interaction are two of my greatest passions after all," explained Sasqia.

According to Sasqia, her foothold in the entertainment industry has served well both as a training ground and a launch pad for her business ventures.  Aside from the business contacts that she has gathered from work, the industry has also prepared the entrepreneur to face some of the most difficult situations with a clear mind and gracefulness.

While being an actress provided her with more opportunities to promote her brands and products, Sasqia revealed that she still faces other problems that are common to budding entrepreneurs and new businesses such as coordinating supply chain across multiple countries, reworking costs and adapting timeline to changes in the business environment.

"I would tell any aspiring entrepreneur this: For most of us, starting a business is not going to be easy. Always treat every situation as a learning opportunity and do not give up easily. Nonetheless, do remember that no amount of success is worth giving up our health for." said Sasqia.  



DUOLAC is a probiotics supplement with worldwide patenteddual coating technology that delivers good gut bacteria to where it is needed and helps to maintain a balanced intestinal microflora for a healthy gut. It is the number one selling probiotics supplement brand in South Korea and number two in the home of probiotics, Denmark. For more information about DUOLAC, please visit[3]


  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ Duolac (
  3. ^ (

Authors: DUOLAC

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