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JIA Group’s 3 chefs included in Top 100 in "The Best Chef Awards 2020" Reaffirms unrivalled brand value and excellence

  • Written by Jia Group Holdings Limited

HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach[1] - 12 October 2020 -  Jia Group Holdings Limited[2] ("Jia Group" or the "Group", HK stock code: 8519) ,a leading F&B operator with strong brand value and growth potential in the Greater Bay Area, is pleased to announce today that the three celebrity chefs Julien Royer, Agustin Balbi and Ricardo Chaneton were included in the "The Best Chef Awards 2020" award Top 100, ranking 19th, 20th and 94th respectively. The Best Chef Awards is a platform highly recognised and respected by the international culinary community.

JIA Group’s 3 chefs included in Top 100 in "The Best Chef Awards 2020" Reaffirms unrivalled brand value and excellence

Julien Royer, Agustin Balbi and Ricardo Chaneton (left to right) are winners of the "The Best Chef Awards 2020" Top 100 Best Chef Awards.

This year's awards, announced in a virtual ceremony, is a key event on the global gourmet calendar. Top chefs from all over the world are included in the Top 100 list, demonstrating the food world's continuous commitment towards excellence and innovation.

Ms. Wong Pui Yain, Chairperson of Jia Group, said, "We are very pleased that the three chefs of the Group are included in this leading industry accolade. Julien Royer, Agustin Balbi and Ricardo Chaneton lead the team at Louise, Andō and MONO respectively, which reaffirm the Group's brand value and recognition within the international foodie community.

We will continue to enhance our brand equity, proactively share with our stakeholders on the latest developments of the Group, maintain the quality of our products, and create superior gastronomic experience to the Greater Bay Area."


  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ Jia Group Holdings Limited (

Authors: Jia Group Holdings Limited

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