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Largest Annual Feng Shui And Astrology Livestream Event By World No.1 Expert In Feng Shui And Chinese Metaphysics – Joey Yap

  • Written by Joey Yap Research International Sdn Bhd
  • 24,300 participants from 38 countries, including Malaysia and Singapore, tuned in LIVE at Joey Yap's 2021 Feng Shui & Astrology Virtual Seminar
  • Joey Yap gave his outlook for the year, analyzing the annual energies and how one should prepare for the year of the Metal Ox 2021.


KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach[1] - 4 February 2021 - International best-selling author, founder of the world's largest Chinese Metaphysics academy, and the world's #1 authority in Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology, Joey Yap, took centre stage over a two-weekend virtual event to present his Feng Shui and Astrology Seminar from 15th-17th Jan 2021 and 22nd -24th Jan 2021.

Largest Annual Feng Shui And Astrology Livestream Event By World No.1 Expert In Feng Shui And Chinese Metaphysics – Joey Yap

Joey Yap Live at his 2021 Feng Shui & Astrology Virtual Seminar


This is the first time the seminar was conducted online. Without the limitations of space inside a conference hall, the size of the live audience grew to a staggering 24,300 people a day, with audiences in attendance from 38 countries. And throughout the entire 3 days, Joey never failed to captivate the audience. It was quite a spectacle being in a live feed 'virtual room' with such a vast amount of people. For a moment you might think that you are attending a concert with the energy and enthusiasm that can be felt even just by glancing through the lively chats. 



The Chinese character for opportunity (機) is hidden in the Chinese word for danger (危機). While there's no denying that the last 12 months have been nothing short of agonizing, matters were only amplified by what we saw in the news. Despite all of this, we often hear success stories about people who thrived in such turbulent times. And if you had to link them together, there are three underlying factors that separates them from the herd -- their foresight, their competency and their luck.



2 billion people or 1 out of every 4 people on this planet are about to celebrate the Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival. Each year, the Chinese look into the stars for guidance and advice. They use these outlooks to make a positive impact in various aspects of life; better relationships, harmony with family, health, career and business.


Joey gave his outlook for the year, analyzing the annual energies and how one should prepare. In his talk, Joey pointed out that most people turn to the stars for the wrong reason. The old adage that luck is preparation meeting opportunity provided the perfect analogy to summarize the event. Most people turn to astrology or Feng Shui with the intention to 'get lucky'. He emphasized that such views are dated as it implicates a fatalistic view that our lives are completely random, fated and there's nothing you could do to change the outcome. 


He further explained that 'luck' was in fact the outcome. Chinese Astrology, Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics as a whole serve only as a tool for you to better understand these "opportunities". Such opportunities were referred to as fate; the things that are beyond your control such as who your parents are, where you were born, and even the era you belong to.


Destiny on the other hand, is what we know as 'preparation'. It's every individual's free-will, our courage, our choices and our determination. He goes on to explain that "fate and destiny co-exists to produce the outcomes of our lives". Luck as he eloquently put it, is a result of our foresight of these opportunities or dangers, and our choices to become competent for it.


The organizers have prepared a downloadable guide for the year of the Metal Ox 2021. A copy link has been graciously provided. You can get a free copy here:[2]


  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ (

Authors: Joey Yap Research International Sdn Bhd

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