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AXA rolls out new global brand campaign to inspire confidence and progress Hong Kong selected as the first in Asia to unveil the creatives

  • Written by AXA Hong Kong and Macau

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach[1] - 15 March 2021 - Embodying its "Know You Can" brand signature, AXA[2] announces today the launch of its new global brand campaign, with Hong Kong being the first market in Asia to activate a series of promotion.

AXA rolls out new global brand campaign to inspire confidence and progress Hong Kong selected as the first in Asia to unveil the creatives


The campaign brings to life AXA's new Purpose, "Act for human progress by protecting what matters", evolving the meaning of the brand's promise from empowering an individual's self-belief towards being an enabler of progress through collective and connected confidence. In doing so, it seeks to make the brand a trusted, reliable beacon for its stakeholders.


The current global pandemic has had a massive impact on the physical and mental health of people around the world, including in Asia, posing unprecedented disruptions to daily life. The new brand campaign is built around a message of optimism: "When you feel confident you can go far. When you feel protected by AXA you can go further." Know You Can.


The importance of confidence in enabling progress reflects a sentiment that strongly resonates with the current situation, encouraging people to look beyond the crisis and project themselves into the future. At the heart of the campaign is a short film focused on AXA's commitment to supporting its customers, small-to-medium enterprises and the wider community, giving them the confidence to move forward. This will be accompanied by a series of vignettes that further illustrate AXA's efforts across its health, property and protection, and life and savings business lines.


"This new brand campaign underscores AXA's continuous commitment to being a true partner for our customers and helping them to achieve their goals.  We hope to inspire people with this impactful campaign to embrace the future with confidence and build a better world together." said Sally Wan, Chief Executive Officer of AXA Hong Kong and Macau.


Hong Kong is selected to be the first in Asia to roll out the global brand campaign across TV, digital and social media, and on outdoor billboards at strategic locations.


"We are proud and delighted to be the first Asian market to launch this powerful  brand campaign.  To further reinforce our brand promise 'Know You Can' among Hong Kong citizens and build up the impact of this meaningful brand campaign, we will also introduce a series of local inspiring true stories surrounding the themes of Climate Change, BetterMe and Health throughout this year."said Andrea Wong, Chief Marketing and Customer Officer of AXA Hong Kong and Macau.

To see the campaign:[3]


  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ AXA (
  3. ^ (

Authors: AXA Hong Kong and Macau

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