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Kenanga Group Wins 7 Awards at The Bursa Excellence Event

  • Written by Kenanga
Kenanga Group Wins 7 Awards at The Bursa Excellence Event

Established for more than 45 years, Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad (the Group) is a financial group in Malaysia with extensive experience in equity broking, investment banking, treasury, Islamic banking, listed derivatives, investment management, wealth management, structured lending and trade financing. Today, it is an award-winning leading independent investment bank in the country with a continuous commitment towards driving collaboration, innovation and digitalisation in the marketplace.

Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad is the largest independent investment bank* in Malaysia by equity trading volume and value, as well as, one of the top brokerage houses with the largest network of remisiers. Its fast-growing client base enjoys convenience through more than 30 locations throughout Malaysia.

The Group has garnered a host of awards and accolades reflecting its strong market position. It was awarded under the categories of Best Overall Equities Participating Organisation by Bursa Malaysia, Best Overall Derivatives Trading Participant, Best Structured Warrant Issuer, Best Retail Equities Participating Organisation, Best Institutional Equities Participating Organisation Investment Bank; along with Best Trading Participant and Best Institutional Equities Participating Organisation and for Equity and Financial Derivatives for 18 consecutive years. The Group was also accorded the title of Best Institutional Derivatives Trading category by Bursa Malaysia.

The Group continues to be a regular and repeat recipient of distinguished industry accolades, such as the Lipper, Fundsupermart and Morningstar awards.

Rakuten Trade Sdn Bhd, the Group's joint venture with Japan's Rakuten Securities, Inc. was named FinTech Company of the Year.

For its continued efforts towards community outreach and employee volunteerism, the Group was awarded the coveted CSR Award (Investment Bank) at the CSR Malaysia Awards 2019, an award endorsed by the Ministry of Women Affairs and Family Planning.

* year to date based on Bursa Malaysia's Participating Organisations (POs) Trading Summary.

This Press Release was issued by Kenanga Group's Marketing & Communications department.

Authors: Kenanga

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