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CWT announces the appointment of Michelle McKinney Frymire as Chief Executive Officer

  • Written by CWT

MINNEAPOLIS, US - EQS Newswire - 28 April 2021 - CWT[1], the Business-to-Business-for-Employees (B2B4E) travel management platform, today announces the appointment of Michelle McKinney Frymire as Chief Executive Officer with effect from 1 May 2021. Incumbent Kurt Ekert will be stepping down and will take on the role of senior advisor to the company.

CWT announces the appointment of Michelle McKinney Frymire as Chief Executive Officer

Michelle McKinney Frymire - CEO

Michelle joined CWT in 2019 and has over 20 years' travel industry experience. Her leadership has spanned a broad range of functions with notable leadership roles as the CFO at Starwood Vacation Ownership and Delta Technology (a division of Delta Airlines), as well as Continental Airlines and Delta Air Lines. In addition, she held senior executive positions at several private equity portfolio companies where she led Strategy, Technology, HR, Corporate Development and Finance. Michelle currently serves on the Board of Directors for Family Gateway in Dallas, Texas and was appointed CWT's President, Strategy & Transformation and Chief Financial Officer in October 2020. She holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Austin College, and an MBA from the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas.


"I am delighted to welcome Michelle to the role of leading our company into the next phase of our development, building on the successes of recent years*, and continuing to push us into achieving our true potential," said Rick Gage, Chair of CWT's parent company, CTII Holdings, Inc. "Following a strong and dynamic performance in her most immediate role as President, Strategy & Transformation and Chief Financial Officer, Michelle's leadership skills will be key to our future accomplishments and continued development. As a natural development in our succession planning, I am also pleased that Kurt will remain an advisor to CWT, and I thank him for his leadership and impact."


*Over the past five years, CWT has won approximately US$7 billion of new business, consistently grown market share, and built and scaled multiple, industry-leading offerings including RoomIt, follow-the-sun servicing, myCWT, messaging, and the China technology platform.


Attachment File: CWT Appoints Michelle McKinney Frymire as Chief Executive Officer - ENG, FR, ES, DE, PO, PT & MAN translations[2]


Authors: CWT

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