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62% of Organisations in Malaysia Include Contracting Roles in their Headcount: Page Contracting Malaysia

  • Written by Page Contracting Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach[1] - 29 July 2021 - Professional contracting recruitment services firm Page Contracting Malaysia[2] launched the Talent On-Demand report[3], highlighting the employment of Malaysian professionals in contingent, temporary, short-term or interim positions. 30% of companies also responded to say that COVID-19 has resulted in the need for them to increase their contractor hiring.


62% of Organisations in Malaysia Include Contracting Roles in their Headcount: Page Contracting Malaysia

Marlinda Zulkifli, Head of Page Contracting Malaysia

Marlinda Zulkifli, Head of Page Contracting Malaysia[4] says, "Before COVID-19 hit in 2020, organisations were already employing contractors as a way to flex and scale their talent needs. The pandemic has emphasised the need for companies to reassess their growth strategy – and the stand out component was the deployment of talent, both in the short and medium term. Companies are facing greater levels of scrutiny on permanent headcount numbers, while others are engaging temporary and contract staff to execute ad-hoc projects."

More companies are turning to contracting professionals to manage or work on new projects. 58% of organisations say they use contractors for project implementation and digital transformation all of which were accelerated due to COVID-19 and the need to facilitate remote working. On average, 3 in 5 contractors will receive a contract extension in Malaysia, and 2 in 5 get converted to permanent roles.

In addition to creating an agile solution to headcount challenges Malaysia's companies face, Marlinda Zulkifli comments, "An emerging trend that we're definitely seeing is that organisations are now increasingly considering interim staff for senior positions such as C-Suite roles. It offers many advantages, as they're able to benefit from specialised skillsets or knowledge for a specific period of time."

According to the Talent-On-Demand report[5], hiring contractors can sometimes be more challenging than expected. 1 in 4 companies expressed that they had difficulties in attracting contingent workers for short-term, contract roles. For a company to position itself as a desirable employer, it needs to present its benefits package, career opportunities, and company culture and environment in ways that resonate with the contractors.

Marlinda Zulkifli observes, "As organisations look beyond their permanent employees to create an agile workforce, they need to change their way of engaging with the contracting workforce. Traditionally, companies may undermanage non-payroll staff as temporary workers usually only stay in a company for a set period of time."



  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ Page Contracting Malaysia (
  3. ^ Talent On-Demand report (
  4. ^ Page Contracting Malaysia (
  5. ^ Talent-On-Demand report (

Authors: Page Contracting Malaysia

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