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Materna IPS deploys Biometric Face Recognition at Tokyo Haneda Airport

  • Written by Materna IPS GmbH

TOKYO, JAPAN - Newsaktuell - 2 September 2021 - Tokyo International Airport (HANEDA), the 4th largest airport in the world, chose the German SBD provider to equip their self-service installation with the Materna IPS One ID journey.

Materna IPS deploys Biometric Face Recognition at Tokyo Haneda Airport

Biometric passenger identification at Tokyo Airport Haneda

Materna IPS deploys Biometric Face Recognition at Tokyo Haneda Airport

Biometric passenger identification at Tokyo Airport Haneda

Via 1:1 verification the passenger's scanned government issued ID picture gets matched with the image captured at the kiosk. The result can enroll into the airports Face Express system at the self bag drop making it a unique cooperation of both systems. That way Tokyo Haneda Airport ensures a streamlined passenger processing while improving airport efficiency and security.

By offering passengers to identify themselves at the self-service touchpoint, physical contact with airport staff and therefore the risk of infection will be minimized. Contactless technology has become an important way to maintain the strict security standards during the pandemic.

Last year Materna IPS successfully installed a total of 104 self bag drop kiosks in Terminals 2 and 3 of the airport. These kiosks have now been upgraded by the unique biometric authentication process (Face Express) in cooperation with Collins Aerospace.

Yuya Yamazaki, Technical Project Manager of TIAT, said: "On behalf of TIAT including management level, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to Materna IPS to release this program before Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, which is one of our goals of this project."

With implementing this major project at Tokyo International Airport (HANEDA), Materna IPS continues its market entry in Japan and is expanding its international growth.

Upgrading the Haneda SBD installation with the biometric journey does not only significantly increase the airport's efficiency and security but also lets Materna IPS extend its business activities in the Japanese market and so expand its international growth.

Authors: Materna IPS GmbH

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