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Blue Cross Dynasty VHIS Plan Lifetime Benefit Limit up to HK$48,000,000

  • Written by Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited

8 Deductible Plan Options Offering Flexibility and Cost-Efficiency

Apply with Family Members to Enjoy Triple Offer

First-year Premium Discount as low as 50% off for HK$12/Day

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach - 17 September 2021 - Blue Cross (Asia Pacific) Insurance Co., Ltd. ("Blue Cross") announced the launch of Blue Cross Dynasty VHIS Plan (the "Plan"), a comprehensive and highly flexible choice for customers who are looking for high-end medical protection. The Plan offers a lifetime benefit limit up to HK$48,000,000, full cover for 17 key benefit items and 8 deductible plan options, enabling customers to design their own plan based on their needs and budget. The Plan specially provides care for patients with chronic illnesses, with market-first coverage for Sleep Apnea Treatment amongst VHIS plans. If applying with family members, customers can enjoy triple offer with first-year premium discount as low as 50%1, approximately HK$12/ day2.[1]


Blue Cross Dynasty VHIS Plan is a comprehensive and highly flexible choice for customers who are looking for high-end medical protection. At the same time, Blue Cross rolled out a promotion campaign with the theme "Just Right" in which artist Ava Liu shared how Blue Cross medical insurance can help and support, providing everyone a safety net in times of need.

Blue Cross Dynasty VHIS Plan is certified by the Food and Health Bureau as a voluntary health insurance scheme (VHIS) flexi plan, suitable for insured aged between 12 days and 80 years old. This Plan fully covers major medical expenses from diagnosis, surgery to recovery, including Room and Board, Surgeon's, Anesthetist's and Specialist's Fees, Pre- and Post-confinement/ Day Case Procedure Outpatient Care, Post-confinement Home Nursing, Prescribed Non-surgical Cancer Treatments and Outpatient Kidney Dialysis, etc. The Plan also covers Rehabilitation Treatment, Stroke Rehabilitation Treatment and Sleep Apnea Treatment (a market-first cover among VHIS plans).

The Plan is highly flexible that offers two plan levels, Worldwide and Asia & Australia-New Zealand, and four annual deductible options (HK$0, HK$20,000, HK$40,000 or HK$80,000), making a total of 8 deductible plan options for selection. No matter a customer has been covered by company's group medical insurance, Blue Cross Dynasty VHIS Plan is a smart choice for enhanced medical protection. Customers can select deductible based on their needs and budget, to save premium up to 68%3 while enjoying all-round cover. In the event of a claim, if the claimed amount payable by group medical insurance is unable to fully reimburse the medical expenses, Blue Cross Dynasty VHIS Plan can provide additional coverage and reduce the chance of customer paying the shortfall at his/her own expenses.

Mr. Patrick Wan, Managing Director of Blue Cross, said "Blue Cross is committed to providing customers with quality products and services that meet their needs. Since the launch of CareForYou VHIS Plans which have been well-received by our customers, we are pleased to launch Blue Cross Dynastic VHIS Plan to further enrich our product portfolio and reach a wider group of customers so as to address the market demand for high-end medical insurance products. We actively adopt digital technology in our products and insurance services in order to meet the lifestyle of customers nowadays. From application to claims submission, customers can enjoy one-stop digital medical insurance services through Blue Cross HK App, including GPS location-based network doctor/clinic search, making appointment from a medical network of over 1,000 doctors or for video consultation, instant outpatient registration and payment with QR Code as well as claim submission, giving customers a digitalised experience which is truly paperless and cashless." 

Renowned artist Ava Liu is making good progress in her career development. After establishing a family and the birth of her daughter, she always feels that she needs to give her family a comprehensive protection that she trusts. She has recently become the spokesperson of Blue Cross Personal Medical Insurance product series, and has noticed that Blue Cross Dynasty VHIS Plan is a safety net for her and her family to provide medical protection. The breadth of cover, flexibility and cost-efficiency offered by the Plan allow her to design a "just right" medical protection according to the actual needs of the family. At the same time, she can enjoy family discount and tax deduction4.

Blue Cross Dynasty VHIS Plan provides a series of superb value-added services, including Free Annual Health Checkup, Free Second Medical Opinion, Pre-hospitalisation Claim Assessment, No Hospital Bills to Pay service, 24-hour Worldwide Emergency Aid and Nursing Care Hotline. The Plan is guaranteed renewable for lifetime, customers can enjoy up to 15% no claim discount (if applicable) at the time of renewal.

Upon successful application for Blue Cross Dynasty VHIS Plan during the promotional period, customers can enjoy triple offer with first-year premium discount as low as 50%, including 16% early bird offer, 30% welcome offer and up to 15% family discount. Tax deduction can be applied for qualifying premiums paid for the policy.

The above product information of Blue Cross Dynasty VHIS Plan does not include full version of terms and conditions. Please refer to the policy for detailed terms and conditions. Promotional offers are subject to terms and conditions. Please visit Blue Cross website at[2] or download the Blue Cross HK App.


  1. Including 16% early bird offer, 30% welcome offer and up to 15% family discount.
  2. The premium is calculated based on the assumption that two individuals aged 28 and one individual aged 2 have selected the Asia-New Zealand plan and deductible of HK$80,000 and enjoy triple offer.
  3. The percentage is calculated based the difference in premium between deductibles of HK$0 and HK$80,000, according to same plan level and actual age.
  4. Tax deduction is subject to the requirements as stated in the Inland Revenue Ordinance.


  • This press release is for distribution in Hong Kong only. The distribution of this press release is not and shall not be construed as an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy or a provision of any insurance product outside Hong Kong.
  • Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited is a subsidiary of The Bank of East Asia, Limited and a member of the BEA Group. It is not affiliated with or related in any way to Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association or any of its affiliates or licensees.


  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ (

Authors: Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited

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