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Midea Boosts Global Manchester City Partnership

  • Written by Midea
Midea Boosts Global Manchester City Partnership

Midea is one of over 10 brands within the smart home appliance business of Midea Group – a leading global high-technology company ranked #288 at 2021's Global Fortune 500. Midea Group's business goes beyond home appliances and comprises of five business pillars: Smart Home, Electro-Mechanical, HVAC & Building Technologies, Robotics & Automation, as well as Digital Innovation. All businesses of Midea Group are striving for one credo: #HumanizingTechnology.

The Midea brand offers one of the world's most comprehensive product ranges in the smart home appliance industry, specializing in air-treatment (commercial and residential air conditioning solutions), refrigeration, laundry, large kitchen and cooking appliances, small kitchen appliances, water appliances and floor care.

Midea believes in providing surprisingly-friendly solutions by adopting a consumer-centric and problem-solving approach. Going above and beyond for the future, constantly exploring, and inventing to meet the ever-changing consumer demand.

Midea is, among many others, the world's #1 Air Treatment Brand [1], the world's #1 Small Cooking Appliances Brand [2], the world's #1 Air Coolers Brand [3], the world's #1 Cooling Fans Brand [4], and the world's #1 Rice Cookers Brand [5].

Midea's globally 34 production centers and over 150,000 employees in more than 200 countries and regions generated an annual revenue of more than USD 41.4 billion in 2020. Midea's 28 worldwide innovation centers and the strong commitment to R&D have resulted in more than 62,000 authorized patents to-date.

For more information, please visit[1][2][3]

[1] "Midea – World's No.1 Air Treatment Brand"

Source: "Euromonitor International (Shanghai) Limited; Consumer Appliances 21ed, retail volume sales in units, 2020 data"

[2] "Midea – World's No.1 Small Cooking Appliances Brand"

Source: "Euromonitor International (Shanghai) Limited; Consumer Appliances 21ed, retail volume sales in units, 2020 data"

[3] "Midea – World's No.1 Air Coolers Brand"

Source: "Euromonitor International (Shanghai) Limited; Consumer Appliances 21ed, retail volume sales in units, 2020 data"

[4] "Midea – World's No.1 Cooling Fans Brand"

Source: "Euromonitor International (Shanghai) Limited; Consumer Appliances 21ed, retail volume sales in units, 2020 data"

[5] "Midea – World's No.1 Rice Cookers Brand"

Source: "Euromonitor International (Shanghai) Limited; Consumer Appliances 21ed, retail volume sales in units, 2020 data"


Authors: Midea

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