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MDIS hosts e-Open Day 2022 in January for students looking for an international higher learning experience

  • Written by Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS)

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach[1] - 21 December 2021 - Singapore's oldest not-for-profit professional institute for lifelong learning, the Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS)[2], is giving SDG3,000 – 4,000 rebates for international and local students in the upcoming e-Open Day, which will be held online on 15 January 2022. With a well-established history since 1956, MDIS has positioned itself as a higher learning institute with eyes on the international stage and educational programmes that are future-conscious.


Virtual Open House

An adaptation to decreased social interaction and diminished travel capabilities, the e-Open Day: Future After O Levels[3] aims to provide an online window for prospective international and local students looking for higher educational opportunities after O levels, as well as broad cultural experiences. Prospective students can explore their future classrooms in Virtual Reality with the 360° Virtual Campus Tour, meet their future lecturers and engage with education consultations LIVE. Up to SDG3,000 – 4,000 education rebates are available on the event day for students who sign up for any one of over ten disciplines offered at MDIS.


Higher Education Programmes

In the wake of Covid-19, many private education institutions have endeavoured to meet the challenges of reduced social interaction and lockdowns. With principles related to community, flexibility, and innovation, MDIS has adapted to this new landscape. Covid-19 accelerated a digital transformation in the workforce and the future of society. The MBA[4], MSc, and online MBA programmes that MDIS offers will equip students with expert knowledge and skill sets that will prepare them for the digitalised world of tomorrow. The Masters Programmes at MDIS are offered in partnerships[5] with universities around the globe to provide students with a global-centric education, which will allow them to build an international network of mentors and peers. MDIS Graduates will be equipped with the right skills to become industry-relevant in a world where jobs will be digitised and digitalised.


The metropolitan city of Singapore is known for its educational excellence and safety. With the MDIS campus based in Singapore, international students from India can immerse themselves in the diverse cultures and challenge themselves in a fast-paced environment. International students can enrol in the programme of their choice with a relatively easy enrolment process at MDIS, which also offers scholarships in addition to educational rebates to support international students pursuing higher education opportunities despite their financial challenges. MDIS encapsulates the importance of lifelong learning and dynamism in the education sector with its commitment to nurturing adaptable graduates, especially in a post-Covid-19 world where social dynamics have changed.



  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) (
  3. ^ e-Open Day: Future After O Levels (
  4. ^ MBA (
  5. ^ partnerships (

Authors: Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS)

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