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The Times Real Estate


Changsha IFS and Steven Harrington Join Hands to Introduce New Trends of Pop Culture in Changsha

  • Written by Changsha IFS

CHANGSHA, CHINA - Media OutReach[1] - August 17, 2018 - A new and fashionable landmark in central China and retail complex dedicated to promoting art and culture that opened in May 2018, Changsha IFS, has continued to bring trendy art events to Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, providing an opportunity to the denizens of the vibrant hub to fully immerse themselves in the world of popular art. This August, Changsha IFS brings internationally popular extreme sports and art exhibitions to Changsha via the art sculpture Gotcha.

Changsha IFS and Steven Harrington Join Hands to Introduce New Trends of Pop Culture in Changsha

CSIFS x Steven HarringtonGotcha 

Artist Steve Harrington's iconic art sculpture Gotcha has taken up temporary residence in the southwestern square at Changsha IFS. The art installation is a 70-meter long giant sea wave-inspired extreme sports space, with a 7-meter high palm tree and a dog by the name of Mello dressed in a swallow-tailed coat. At Changsha IFS Sculpture Park on L7, visitors can get up close and personal with Mello as he scampers around a smiling palm tree, with California's signature sunshine and beach as the backdrop. At Changsha IFS Arts Gallery on the same floor, visitors can take in the pop art exhibition curated by the California artist.

On August 8, the first day following the installation of the show, a number of young bicycle motocross or BMX extreme sports athletes performed onsite. Che Lin, China's number one skateboarder and gold medalist at the 1st Asian Indoor Games, in unison with his team members, opened at the event, followed by George Jackson, an extreme sports veteran with 17 years of BMX experience, and Li Haoran, former BMX athlete in China's national extreme sports team, who both showcased their advanced skills and teamwork. The day's event reached a climax when Chris Bohm, BMX flatland performer and Guinness World record holder, exhibited his sophisticated flatland skills. Other passionate athletes also demonstrated their extreme sports prowess. Changsha IFS aims to bring more vitality to the surrounding city and to promote the spirit of continually challenging oneself via the event.

Pop art contributes to the vitality of the city while extreme sports add to the growing popularity of the new landmark

Harrington has transformed Changsha IFS Sculpture Park on L7 into a seaside amusement park via his signature smiling palm tree and the canine resident Mello. The artist's first solo exhibition in China is being held in Changsha IFS Arts Gallery, where visitors can view a series of classic artworks, as well as videos describing the back story behind the installation, and communicate with the artist in a fully open environment. Visitors also can buy specially designed souvenirs at Changsha IFS Arts Gallery, which are exclusively designed for members of the up and coming Generation Z who have a different and refreshing take on pop culture. The souvenirs are quite different from those Harrington had previously designed for other brands. Limited edition souvenirs produced jointly by Changsha IFS and Harrington include classic graffiti stickers and Gotcha sculptures.


  1. ^ Media OutReach (

Authors: Changsha IFS

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