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Local Start-up Launches Singapore’s First Office in a Pocket Solution

  • Written by workbuddy

Local Singapore start-up aims to make coworking easier with an office in your pocket solution


SINGAPORE - Media OutReach[1] - 20 August 2018 - Local start-up workbuddy officially launched today, along with its app -- the country's first ever 'office in your pocket' solution -- designed to provide access to co-working spaces all over Singapore.


Back in 2011 when co-working spaces first made their mark on the scene, they were viewed as a novel new solution largely meant for the lean start-up. Today, co-working spaces are clearly here to stay; with Singapore boasting more than 200 flexible workspace centres according to Instant Offices. No longer the domain of start-ups and freelancers alone, even established enterprises are looking at co-working spaces to reduce total real estate commitments.


Companies are seeing increased competition in a digital environment that is evolving at a rapid pace. Organisations are seeking means to be nimbler, ditching long-term commitments such as office leases that may bog down quick decision making and affect the ability to scale upwards and downwards as required.


Gaurav Joshi, co-founder, workbuddy said, "With the rise of digital technology and the shared economy, the way people work has changed drastically. We don't need to be in an office or at our desk to be productive anymore. Flexible workspace centres have grown from just a handful to over a 200 in just a few years, but the limitations are that members still have to commute and commit to year-long contracts."


He added, "We wanted to provide Singapore's professionals with a new level of freedom, enabling them to access workspaces all over the city, anytime they need to."


Going live on 20th August, workbuddy provides users easy access to multiple co-working spaces across Singapore. As of launch, the app boasts a network of over 20 co-working spaces across Singapore and is available on Android[2] and iOS[3].  workbuddy expects its user base to grow quickly over the next few months, with strong interest being received ahead of launch.


Users pay a subscription fee of either $129 for a 5-day or $299 for an unlimited monthly pass. Beyond gaining access to co-working spaces, users will also have access to diverse business networks and enlightening events hosted by multiple co-working space providers.


Current users range from freelancers to start-ups and multinational enterprises.


Toby Rakison, Regional Director Southeast Asia at Steelcase, the global leader in office furniture and innovative workspace solutions, said, "We have been at the forefront of agile and flexible workspace for some time now. Our team has recently taken up multiple subscriptions with workbuddy to allow our teams to be closer to our clients and give them the flexibility to be able to work wherever they are. The subscriptions have also provided us with enhanced control over our physical assets and has given our teams access to more flexible work arrangements."


The app confers several advantages that complement the growing need for coworking spaces:

  • On-demand booking of desk space
  • A wide and varied network of coworking locations available on demand allowing users to work in inspiring work environments of their choice
  • Reduced real estate requirements for firms with mobile workforces that work at multiple locations across the country
  • Enhanced flexibility for freelancers, start-ups and corporations alike


As of launch, workbuddy offers users a choice of over 20 locations, with a further 10 locations soon to be added. Users can book co-working spaces at locations such as:

  • MOX @ Katong at Joo Chiat Road
  • CoQoons at Harbourfront Place
  • The Metropolis T2 at North Buona Vista 
  • JustCo @ Marina One
  • Distrii @ Republic plaza


Gaurav added, "In today's day and age, work is no longer something that we go to, but something we do. As both the sharing andgig economy catch on in Singapore, new age workers and firms will require enhanced flexibility to improve productivity, reduce costs and remain nimble in a fast-paced business environment. Recent studies indicate that at any time organizations are not utilizing 25 to 30% of their office space, reducing that can give companies significant cost savings."

Local Start-up Launches Singapore’s First Office in a Pocket Solution

About workbuddy

The proliferation of coworking spaces in Singapore shows that the way we work is changing. Workplaces are undergoing significant change, fuelled by demands for efficiency and the need to innovate quickly.


The rise of digital technology and the shared economy has changed the way we work forever. The demand for efficiency, agility, and innovation is greater than it has ever been before.


Founders Gaurav and JX watched the co-working revolution grow from a handful of workspaces to almost 200 over just a few years. However, they saw that although co-working spaces provided greater flexibility, there were limitations, as members still had to commute and commit to year-long contracts. They wanted to give Singapore professionals a new level of freedom, where they can access workspaces all over the city, anytime they need to. And that's how workbuddy was born.


  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ Android (
  3. ^ iOS (

Authors: workbuddy

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