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YGG SEA and IVC Commit $750K in Novel Play and Earn God Game Apeiron

  • Written by Apeiron
SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 4 March 2022 - Foonie Magus, the company behind Apeiron, the world's first god-game with NFTs, has announced that it will receive $750,000 of investment from Yield Game Guilds Southeast Asia (YGG SEA) and Infinity Ventures Crypto (IVC), in a strong show of support for the metaverse's hottest new project. The two organizations will use the money to acquire their very own YGG SEA Constellation in Apeiron's SEA Mythologically-inspired galaxy, which will come with its own NFTs, cosmetics, and tokens for guild scholars to enjoy.

Apeiron is bringing back classic god-game gameplay while modernizing it with influences from RPGs, roguelikes, and grand strategy games, among others. Players will act as Godlings, newborn gods, and take over planets full of little Doods. Every Planet offers a different gameplay experience and is a unique NFT; players will be able to earn a variety of tokens and additional NFTs simply by playing the game.

Frank Cheng, CEO of Foonie Magus, was thrilled to announce this investment: "It has been a humbling and very pleasant learning experience to work with them and to gain their early support, and we're excited to be able to continue this partnership long into the future." Evan Spytma, CEO of YGG SEA, also spoke confidently about the deal: an ultimate strategic god game placed in outer space. How can you go wrong?"

Apeiron is currently in its seed round with a fully diluted valuation of $80m, and is continuing to attract partners and collaborators. The 1st Apeiron NFT Presale is scheduled at the end of Q1 2022, with the game planning to launch late 2022.



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Authors: Apeiron

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