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Sun Life Hong Kong Clinches Sponsor of the Year and Intermediary of the Year at BENCHMARK’s MPF Awards

  • Written by Sun Life Hong Kong
HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach - 21 March 2022 - Sun Life Hong Kong Limited ("Sun Life Hong Kong") clinches two grand awards, Sponsor of the Year and Intermediary of the Year at the BENCHMARK MPF of the Year Awards 2021 ("Benchmark").

The Benchmark "Sponsor of the Year" award recognizes MPF Sponsors who have demonstrated excellence in their product designs, fund manager selection, cost structuring, and engagement and the Benchmark "Intermediary of the Year" award recognizes MPF intermediaries that excel in product knowledge, technology application, relationship building and marketing techniques better than others in the industry.

Sun Life Hong Kong receives a total of nine awards across different categories from BENCHMARK, including Sponsor awards, Trustee Awards and Top MPF Awards as shown below:

Grand Award

Sponsor of the Year

Intermediary Award

Intermediary of the Year


Sponsor Awards - Investor Education Award

Sponsor Awards - Intermediary Support Award

Top MPF Fund Awards - Hong Kong Equity

Top MPF Fund Awards - Lifestyle - (>20-40% Equity)

Top MPF Fund Awards - Lifestyle - (>40-60% Equity)

Top MPF Fund Awards - Lifestyle - (>60-80% Equity)


Trustee Awards - Member Servicing

Rainbow Pan, General Manager, Wealth & Pensions at Sun Life Hong Kong Limited, said, "It is such an honour to receive Sponsor of the Year and Intermediary of the Year at the BENCHMARK Fund of the Year Awards 2021. We are delighted that our efforts in investor education, intermediary support and high extent of digital client experience are fully recognised by the industry, this will encourage our relentless debut to deepen our commitment to the overall betterment of Hong Kong's working class."

Source: BENCHMARK MPF of the Year Awards ([2])



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Authors: Sun Life Hong Kong

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