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'Chen Zhi Scholarship' flagship programme of Prince Foundation, bags the prestigious Asia Responsible Enterprise Award (AREA)

  • Written by Prince Holding Group Ltd.
Students during Chen Zhi Scholarship's Final Interview.
Prince Holding Group is one of Cambodia's largest business groups spanning across real estate development, financial services and consumer services.

Prince Holding Group's key business units in Cambodia include Prince Real Estate Group, Prince Huan Yu Real Estate Group, Prince Bank, Cambodia Airways, Belt Road Capital Management, as well as Awesome Global Investment Group. Via its subsidiaries, Prince Holding Group has over 80 businesses in Cambodia operating in real estate development, banking, finance, aviation, tourism, logistics, technology, food and beverages, and lifestyle sectors etc.

Leveraging a network of industrial, business and financial professionals across Asia, Prince Holding Group is firmly committed to the long-term development of Cambodia. Prince Holding Group is developing an almost 1000-hectare township project in the Ream coastline of Sihanoukville that will be one of Cambodia's leading sustainable real estate developments, aiming to secure close to $16 billion in total investment for the region.

Moving forward, Prince Holding Group will continue to seek out opportunities to play an important role in Cambodia, through partnerships or direct investments into key industries for the betterment of Cambodians and the local economy.

About Prince Foundation Prince Foundation, founded in 2015, is one of Cambodia's leading philanthropic foundations. A member of Prince Holding Group, which is one of the largest business groups in Cambodia, the Foundation aims to work with local communities to build thriving living and working environments that elevate people's well-being and livelihoods following the vision: "Together, Building a Better Future for Cambodia".

Focusing on education and youth development, healthcare, and community engagement initiatives, Prince Foundation works with partners to deliver sustainable programs that enhance opportunities for Cambodia's youths, build resilience in communities and contributes to sustainable infrastructure.

The Foundation's flagship projects are the Chen Zhi Scholarship, offering full scholarships, stipends, internship and work opportunities to 400 Cambodian university students over a period of seven years, and Prince Horology, where aspiring Cambodian watchmakers learn the art of Swiss-style watchmaking in a state-of-the-art facility. Prince Foundation has launched more than 250 philanthropic initiatives, benefiting over 500,000 people, with donations exceeding US$14 million.

Authors: Prince Holding Group Ltd.

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