Asian Spectator

The Times Real Estate


Times Technology’s patent approval triggers the trading volume of its member profit to soar

  • Written by Times Technology
SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 2 November 2022 - Recently, Times Technology Quantum Analysis Team announced that in the second month after its Quantum Computer "Quantityindex System" started patent approval, the trading volume of its members' profit value exceeded USD 220 million, a record high.

Members of Times Technology share their experiences

As of November, according to the statistics released by the Wall International Finance Association, the total trading volume of profit value of users of Time Technology Quantum Community reached 940 million USD. Each branch of the group actively promoted the "Bonus Lottery Eligibility Event", which could accelerate the achievement of the goal.

Times Technology's quantum analysis team's quantum technology and PvTv are unique in the global financial investment circle. Through the Quantum Computer "Quantityindex System", it achieved 97% of the ultra-high profit-making accuracy in the planning course and successfully completed the planning course with NT$ 6 million and NT$ 10 million respectively. In the future, under the breakthrough of mass popularity rate and net profit value of community users, it will definitely set off another wave of profit trend.

The Taiwan Branch of Times Technology Quantum Technology Group created several international financial index sensation in 2022. Undoubtedly, this is the first step for the Group to become the world's index financial leader. The Group is actively developing the advanced calculus rate of systems and more analytical structure analysis to increase the mass penetration rate of quantum systems and the net profit value for community users. Times Technology will create a quantum system with analytic structure, centralized stability, ahead-of-the-curve calculus rate and Deta trading volume that will exceed quantitative data in the next quarter, so that the value of "service" can replace the competition of "market" and provide more comprehensive procedural calculus data.

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Authors: Times Technology

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