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Shell Wins for the Philippines in 2018 ACES Awards

  • Written by Pilipinas Shell

Fuel is not the only thing that drives Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation.


MANILA, PHILIPPINES - Media OutReach[1]29 October 2018 -Pilipinas Shell scores a big regional win for the Philippines as it won "Asia's Community Care Company of the Year" for the 2018 Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability Awards (ACES). The company was represented by Ramon Del Rosario, Vice President for External Relations and Government Relations, and Jose Jerome Pascual, Chief Financial Officer.

Shell Wins for the Philippines in 2018 ACES Awards

Pilipinas Shell scores a big regional win for the Philippines as it won "Asia's Community Care Company of the Year" for the 2018 Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability Awards (ACES). The company was represented by Ramon Del Rosario, Vice President for External Relations and Government Relations, and Jose Jerome Pascual, Chief Financial Officer


This recent win underscores how Pilipinas Shell's business principles are based on its core values of honesty, integrity, and respect for people. With its core values as the foundation, sustainability is truly woven into the fabric of Pilipinas Shell.


There are three main themes that Shell CSR programs all over the world follow. The first is to find opportunities to enable access to energy through different lenses, by catalysing local energy markets and supporting entrepreneurs and partners in the development and distribution of energy solutions. The second is to support STEM education by equipping young people with vital skills and 'habits of mind' that STEM employers are increasingly demanding. The third focus is to create jobs and economic development opportunities for local communities.

Among its numerous CSR programmes, Pilipinas Shell considers Movement Against Malaria (MAM) and Gas Mo, Bukas Ko (GMBK, 'You fuel my future') as the flagship advocacies that best demonstrate its commitment to nation-building


The Movement Against Malaria (MAM) programme paved the way for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of halting and reversing the burden of malaria in the country way before the 2015 deadline.  In fact,the country now has 28 Provinces declared Malaria-Free and 31 Provinces have reached zero malaria status.

GAS MO, BUKAS KO ("You fuel my future")

GMBK, a scholarship program, was set to support Filipino youths, specifically Pilipinas Shell's technically-capable gas attendants or their dependents, in pursuing their studies. As of 2017, GMBK has sponsored over 1,600 scholars. Approximately 85 percent of them took on bigger responsibilities as gas attendants, while some were promoted to higher positions.

Pilipinas Shell remains as the Filipino people's partner in nation-building through its program that not only provide energy to power the economy but touch millions of lives. It continues to collaborate with its network of stakeholders to meet the country's energy needs while being conscious of its role as an enabler in society. This is how Pilipinas Shell makes the future.


  1. ^ Media OutReach (

Authors: Pilipinas Shell

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