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philoro SCHWEIZ: Swiss gold trader launches Crypto Vreneli

  • Written by Newsaktuell
St. Gallen, Switzerland - Newsaktuell - 30 March 2023 - A collaborative innovation, that could draw the attention of investors, tech freaks and art collectors, is Made in Switzerland and combines the traditional and the modern in a new edition of the popular Gold Vreneli coin. The new Crypto Vreneli bears an NFC chip. On reading out using an app on a mobile phone, the user will be referred to a digital financial asset in a blockchain that cannot be altered and is not interchangeable. The new gold coin represents the fusion of two investment classes: the physical and the digital.

The Crypto Vreneli is the world's first Phygital Asset Coin, abbreviated PAC. Two formerly separate investment values – the physical and the digital – have been combined into a completely new investment class. The unique nature of each Crypto Vreneli is shown in a pixel art graphic showing the classic Vreneli motif in multiple variations.. The principle of a so-called Non-Fungible Token (NFT) that is well-known in the crypto world is used here.

The unique nature of each individual Crypto Vreneli is shown in a pixel art graphic showing the classic Vreneli motif in multiple variations. A play on identities. Owners of the new Crypto Vreneli will benefit from added value through a so-called "Unlockable Content".The Crypto Vreneli uses the principle of a so-called Non-Fungible Token (NFT) that is well-known in the crypto world. But, as physical value is being combined with digital value, it is "phygital" and represents a pioneering innovation in the investment classes known to date.

A collaborative innovation Made in Switzerland: Christian Brenner, CEO of philoro Switzerland AG and Sarah Schlagenhauf, ArtDeal AG / Vivents CEO and Founder, have created the Crypto Vreneli in close cooperation and placed it on the market in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

Word's first "Phygital Asset Coin"

"The Crypto Vreneli is the world's first Phygital Asset Coin, abbreviated PAC. So, the first hybrid value coin and a pioneering project for gold investors and collectors who would like to get one step ahead of conventional NFTs. The next evolutionary step: The fusion of two investment classes!" Christian Brenner, publisher of the Crypto Vreneli and CEO of gold trader philoro. Vivents by ArtDeal AG will be responsible for the creation, the design, as well as the technical implementation and the Web 3.0 placement.

Phygital is a conceptual fusion of the English adjectives physical and digital. "Phygital must not only be seen as one of the most significant buzzwords of the digital transformation, but also describes an attitude to life by means of which metaverse target groups would currently like to be addressed in innovative, complex consumer galaxies," Vivents by ArtDeal AG founder and CEO Sarah Schlagenhauf believes.

The first limited edition of the Crypto Vreneli will launch with 100 coins available from 31 March 2023 in philoro's online shops with delivery in Switzerland, Austria and Germany, as well as in philoro's bricks and mortar outlets in Switzerland. Each coin is made of 31.1 grams of pure gold (one ounce). Entry value is 7,999 Swiss francs.

Digital Vreneli plays with identities

The NFT of the Crypto Vreneli is coupled with the gold coin in an Ethereum wallet (digital wallet). By scanning the NFC chip using the phone app, the owner unlocks their individual Crypto Vreneli in the blockchain. The digital Vreneli visualised in this way is unique for each coin. The artwork derived from the style of the famous CryptoPunks characters. The shifts in the classical Vreneli motif reveal a societal phenomenon – that the question "Who, or what am I?" is given a fluid answer in broad segments of society. Definitions are old hat. The Crypto Vreneli mirrors this freedom and the interplay of fluid identities in society.

Full information at[1]

and at[2] in both German and English.

- Pictures are available at AP Images ([3]) -

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Authors: Newsaktuell

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