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MoneyHero Launches Free Credit Score-Checking MoneyHero App Set to Popularise Consumer- initiated Credit Enquiries

  • Written by MoneyHero
MoneyHero app provides Hong Kong consumers free and ready access to individual credit scores and reports
"MoneyHero is committed to educating the public on the importance of knowing their financial identities and credit scores, especially those who have a higher tendency to apply for credit, like urgent funding recipients, young investors, online shoppers, mortgage seekers, business professionals, and credit card users in need of financial support. We aim to offer more financial advisory services to users in the coming phase to help improve their credit scores," said Shravan Thakur, Group Head of Commercial, Hyphen Group.

Popularising credit score checks

A credit score is a reflection of one's financial well-being, regardless of identity, profession, or wealth. However, credit checks have not been widespread in Hong Kong, with over 70% of respondents have never checked their credit scores, according to an online survey conducted with MoneyHero website users in 2021. In promulgating the importance of credit health and popularising personal credit checks, MoneyHero has created a one-stop credit check solution free of charge to the public via its new MoneyHero App, where detailed analysis of credit scores and reports as well as suggestions for improvement are just a few taps away.

Commitment to data privacy and security

As a user-centric company, MoneyHero emphasises privacy and information security and has been granted an ISO 27001 certification. All user data is kept strictly confidential and protected with the highest international encryption standards - using 256-bit encryption technology and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.

App download link: [1]


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Authors: MoneyHero

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