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The Times Real Estate


BITBEST Global Summit 2023 Concludes Successfully in Ho Chi Minh City: Ushering in the Dawn of the Digital Technology Era

  • Written by Bit Best
DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Media OutReach[1] - 22 November 2023 - On November 19, 2023, the BITBEST Global Summit 2023 concluded successfully in Ho Chi Minh City, marking a significant milestone in the digital technology era. This grand event united blockchain technology experts, financial industry leaders, community members, and innovators from around the world, showcasing BITBEST's innovative strides in financial technology.


The summit focused on BITBEST's innovation and leadership in blockchain infrastructure, mainly discussing the foundation of an independent metaverse and showcasing BITBEST's commitment to decentralized digital ecosystems. It also highlighted the ongoing development of decentralized multi-chain wallets, public blockchains, and decentralized exchanges, laying a solid base for a comprehensive decentralized finance and application ecosystem.

A highlight of the summit was the announcement by the CEO of the official launch of BST token subscriptions and partner subscriptions, marking a new chapter for BITBEST. Additionally, congratulations were extended to the luckiest BITBEST investor who won the SUPER VIP grand prize—a MAZDA 6 car, underscoring the celebratory and forward-looking spirit of the event.

The summit also underscored the strategic importance of the Vietnamese market for BITBEST, with significant achievements in technological innovation and market expansion in the region. BITBEST is set to delve deeper into the Vietnamese market, aiming to strengthen its business layout and market influence.

Furthermore, BITBEST reaffirmed its dedication to exploring and promoting the application of blockchain technology across various industries. The summit was not only a showcase of BITBEST's innovations and leadership in blockchain but also an opportunity to present its vision for the future of digital finance globally.

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, BITBEST remains confident in its key role in driving innovation and development in this field. Its cutting-edge technology, global outlook, and commitment to innovation are propelling the global financial technology industry to new heights.

The BITBEST Global Summit 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City was more than a successful meeting; it was a historic event in the new era of financial technology. Participants engaged in deep discussions about the future of finance, technological innovation, and global cooperation, charting a course for building a more inclusive, innovative, and sustainable financial ecosystem in the digital age.

Hashtag: #BITBEST

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


  1. ^ Media OutReach (

Authors: Bit Best

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