Asian Spectator

American Songwriter Pens Novelty Tune Highlighting Classic Lion-City Misconceptions

  • Written by Laura Ellington Music
SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire[1] - 3 July 2024 - Singaporean comedian and television icon Kumar joins forces with Laura Ellington Music for their latest music video, "Lady Singapore Groove." This unique collaboration skewers erroneous perceptions of Singapore through music and humour.

"Lady Singapore Groove", the song, was conceived by LEM creative director Toni Thompson; the firm's Singaporean business director, Kathiona Lie, executive produced the video. A resident of the East Coast area, Toni has drawn on a range of experiences and observations to fashion a playful, rhythmic spoken-word exercise to dispel two of the most common myths surrounding Singapore.

Kumar brings his one-of-a-kind comedic touch to the video, adding an extra layer of humour—but also depth, as his much-celebrated art and his image are inextricably woven into the fabric of Garden City life. Kumar's natural ability to connect with audiences through laughter makes him the perfect fit for a project that aims to enlighten without rendering judgement.

"Kat and Toni came to me with this whole 'Singapore-myth-busting' concept," says Kumar, "and I thought it would be a hoot to be part of such a project, so I said, 'Why not?'".

Says Toni, "Hopefully the light-hearted take of 'Lady Singapore Groove' will draw listeners in, invite them to examine the assumptions we sometimes make concerning others". Too, she adds, "It would be ideal if, after waxing philosophical, people found it was something they could really dance to!"

Kumar is seen in multiple, and unexpected, roles in this colourful nod to the no-frills music videos of old, with the comedy giant lip-syncing to a hook sung by home-grown vocal dynamo Lily Anna Nuris.

According to Kat: "The song blasts two major myths—namely, that we're located in China, and we don't speak English. Who hasn't heard these lulus at some point, especially when travelling abroad?"

With its funky bass line, disco bridge, pithy lyric, and retro feel, "LSG" may prove a springboard to some interesting conversations—at the water cooler, over laksa, on holidays overseas...or yes, perhaps even at a dance venue near you.

"Lady Singapore Groove" has premiered on Social Media platforms inclusive of YouTube[2], Instagram[3], Tiktok[4] & Facebook[5]. Do experience this remarkable collaborative effort first-hand!


Hashtag: #LadySingaporeGroove #Kumar #LauraEllingtonMusic #Singapore #Music #Culture

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Authors: Laura Ellington Music

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