Asian Spectator

Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad Appoints Angeline-Ong Su Ming as Independent Non-Executive Director

  • Written by Kenanga
Angeline-Ong Su Ming, Independent Non-Executive Director of Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad
Established for over 50 years, Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad ("The Group") is a financial group in Malaysia with extensive experience in equity broking, investment banking, treasury, Islamic banking, listed derivatives, investment management, wealth management, structured lending and trade financing.

An innovative and established home-grown brand, the Group's digital ambition includes building a robust digital ecosystem that meets the needs of its clients and businesses. Some of its game-changing products include Malaysia's fully online digital stockbroking platform Rakuten Trade and a fully A.I. robo-advisor, Kenanga Digital Investing. The Group also launched Malaysia's first securities broking e-wallet, Kenanga Money, paved the way in AI-led Quan and algorithmic trading, kick-started a revolutionary supply chain financing solution for SMEs and made inroads into the digital assets space through its investment in Tokenize Technology (M) Sdn.Bhd.

The Group has garnered a host of awards and accolades reflecting its strong market position. It was awarded Highest Returns to Shareholder Over Three Years, Highest Growth in Profit After Tax Over Three Years and Highest Return on Equity Over Three Years by The Edge Malaysia Centurion Club in the Financial Services Category, Best Overall Equities Participating Organisation (Champion), Best Retail Equities Participating Organisation (Champion), and Best Online Retail Participating Organisation (Champion), as well as Best Institutional Derivatives Trading Participant (Champion) and Best Overall Derivatives Trading Participant (1st Runner Up) in the Bursa Excellence Awards 2022. The Group was also accorded the title of Best House, South and Southeast Asia Award in the SRP Asia Pacific Awards 2022.

The Group continues to be a regular and repeat recipient of distinguished industry accolades, such as the Lipper, Fundsupermart and Morningstar awards. Rakuten Trade, Malaysia's first fully digital securities broker in 2017 via a joint venture with Japanese fintech giant Rakuten Securities Inc was also named Malaysia's Digital Experience of the Year – Brokerage at the Asian Experience Awards 2022. For its continued efforts towards community outreach and employee volunteerism, the Group was awarded the coveted Bank of the Year Award for Environmental, Social & Governance Excellence, as well as Long-Standing Excellence in Sustainability at Sustainability & CSR Malaysia Awards 2022. The Group is also a Participant of the United Nations Global Compact and adheres to its principle-based approach to responsible business.

Today, Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad is an award-winning leading independent investment bank in the country with a continuous commitment towards driving collaboration, innovation, digitalisation and sustainability in the marketplace.

This Press Release was issued by Kenanga Group's Marketing, Communications & Sustainability Department.

Authors: Kenanga

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