Asian Spectator

Global broker Octa joins in the celebration of World Humanitarian Day

  • Written by Octa
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach Newswire[1] - 19 August 2024 - Celebrated on 19 August, World Humanitarian Day honours humanitarians around the world who strive to meet ever-growing global needs. On its part, an international financial broker Octa continues with its commitment to contributing to humanitarian endeavours worldwide, implementing various charity initiatives that target some of the most pressing issues local communities face. Malaysia To celebrate one of the most important holidays in the Islamic tradition, Eid al-Adha, or ‘The Feast of Sacrifice’, Octa sponsored the distribution of the Qurbani meat of two cows in Kelantan, Malaysia. Thanks to this humanitarian effort implemented with the help of Octa's local partner Azeehan, about 300 people received the much-needed food, which was especially valuable during the sacred holiday marked by social reunions and family get-togethers. Indonesia Octa partnered with the IDEP Foundation[2] to help alleviate the consequences of the volcanic eruption at Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki. In addition to a direct threat from eruption materials and pyroclastic flows, the eruption seriously impacted the daily lives of the local communities in three districts across ten villages.

In January 2024, Octa sponsored hygiene kits, sanitation facilities, and washing necessities for 474 families who had to move to evacuation sites. The Octa and IDEP[3] joint effort also provided the necessary equipment and logistic support to meet the needs of the temporarily displaced, including children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

‘Octa’s help was instrumental in providing the lacking necessities to hundreds of people who were forced to temporarily leave their homes,’ said Muchamad Awal, the executive director of IDEP.

India This year, Octa joined forces with the Indian foundation for Community Health, Housing, And Social Education (CHHASE) to assist Indian tribal families in facilitating school attendance for their children.

Octa will cover the critical needs of young students for an entire year in advance. The scope of help includes hot meals, school bags, stationery, and other vital necessities.

One of the students' parents said: ‘I want my children to be educated, but we live hand to mouth and often can't afford proper meals, let alone school supplies. The program made a big impact on our lives: now, our daughter has three healthy meals a day at the study centre, her school expenses are paid, and she even has new dresses to wear after school.’

Nigeria This year, Octa joined efforts with its local partner Asher to deliver drinking water to the area of Langtang South, Plateau State, Nigeria. For this purpose, the broker sponsors the drilling of a borehole, which will cover the local community's agricultural and household needs for years to come.

For Octa, the Langtang South initiative is yet another charity project related to the water sector. This summer, the broker supported the Bali Water Protection (BWP) project, which aims to solve the pressing issue of rapid deterioration of freshwater supply in Bali, Indonesia.

Hashtag: #Octa

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  1. ^ Media OutReach Newswire (
  2. ^ IDEP Foundation (
  3. ^ IDEP (

Authors: Octa

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