Asian Spectator

Unlimit partners with Shoplazza to boost cross-border payments for Chinese e-commerce

  • Written by Unlimit
Unlimit partners with Shoplazza to boost cross-border payments for Chinese e-commerce
Shoplazza, a cutting-edge global commerce platform, is dedicated to crafting a unified retail environment that bridges the gap between online and offline shopping experiences. Our leadership team, a blend of seasoned professionals from top-tier technology companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Alibaba, and Baidu, brings extensive expertise in retail, technology, and compliance. Supported by a consortium of esteemed global investors hailing from the US, Middle East, and Asia, including industry giants like Sequoia, StepStone, Softbank Vision Fund, and Chimera, Shoplazza stands at the forefront of commerce innovation. For further information, please visit: [1]


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Authors: Unlimit

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