Asian Spectator

BEST Inc Malaysia and House of Love Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with Lanterns and Love

  • Written by BEST Inc Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach Newswire[1] - 18 September 2024 - In the spirit of reunion, warmth, and hope, the BEST Inc Malaysia team, led by CEO Lu Miao, celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with the children of House of Love in Klang. The team brought joy to the home by lighting lanterns and distributing gifts to the children.

Sending Love to children of House of Love: Gavin Lu (3rd from standing) , together with BEST Inc Malaysia team bringing joy to the home by lighting lanterns and distributing gifts to the children.

Dr. Joseph Pang, founder of House of Love, along with staff and children, warmly welcomed the BEST Inc Malaysia team. As part of the visit, BEST Inc Malaysia also donated essential supplies to the home to support the children's daily needs.

Collaborating for a Brighter Future

Gavin emphasized the company's dedication to corporate social responsibility, particularly in supporting children's growth and development.

"This is not just about material support," said Gavin. "More importantly, it's about showing the children that society cares. Small actions, when combined, can create meaningful change in their lives."

House of Love Founder's Remarks

Dr. Joseph Pang expressed gratitude for the donation, noting its impact beyond material support: "BEST Inc Malaysia's generosity not only helps the children with their needs but also inspires them emotionally, showing them that they are cared for by society."

Dr. Pang added that House of Love remains committed to providing the best possible education and environment for the children and looks forward to more collaborations with companies like BEST Inc Malaysia to help create a brighter future for them.


Hashtag: #BESTInc #Logistics #Cargo #BESTCargo #CrossBorder #Fulfillment #midautumn #mooncakefestival #百世集团 #百世马来西亚 #百世快递 #中秋节

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Authors: BEST Inc Malaysia

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