Asian Spectator

The Times Real Estate


Bupa expands its Connected Care commitment with the new Global Prestige VHIS Plan (Signature) for discerning customers

  • Written by Bupa
Bupa expands its Connected Care commitment with the new Global Prestige VHIS Plan (Signature) for discerning customers
Bupa is an international healthcare group dedicated to helping people live longer, healthier, happier lives and making a better world for over 70 years. We serve more than 38 million customers worldwide. With no shareholders, we reinvest our profits into enhancing healthcare for the benefit of current and future customers.

Bupa has been a health insurance specialist in Hong Kong since 1976, offering one-stop solutions across domestic and international health insurance, and healthcare services. Our comprehensive medical insurance schemes are tailored to meet individual needs, and we provide health solutions for companies of all sizes. We also have a team of registered nurses, health management professionals, and doctors who provide various expert healthcare support.

Our healthcare provision arm, Quality HealthCare Medical Services (QHMS), became part of Bupa in October 2013. QHMS offers Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Diagnostics & Imaging, Dental, Physiotherapy, Mental Health and Wellness services via a network of over 1,650 provider service points in Hong Kong.

For more information, visit . [1]


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Authors: Bupa

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