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Singapore logistics charter and PSB Academy team up to deliver on future-ready supply chain graduates

  • Written by PSB Academy

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach[1] - 16 March 2019 - The Chartered Insititute of Logistics & Transport, Singapore (CILTS) and PSB Academy (PSBA)have collaborated to launch a Diploma in Global Supply Chain Management for aspiring logistics and supply chain executives. This partnership marks the first time that the logistics charter is extending its certification expertise to the diploma students of a private education institution.

Singapore logistics charter and PSB Academy team up to deliver on future-ready supply chain graduates

A/Prof Chin Hoong Chor, Vice Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Singapore, launches the Diploma in Global Supply Chain Management programme with PSB Academy's Dean Dr Sam Choon Yin. This is the charter's first Diploma co-developed with a private education institute in Singapore. 

The diploma programme, which aims to equip transitioning professionals into the supply chain industry or fresh graduates with relevant skills for the demands of today's logistics hubs, can be completed within 18 months. The curriculum includes 12 months of institutional and theoretical training and 6 months of vocational work placement or 3 months of an industry-based project. As part of the institutional training, students will be awarded Service Operations Management, Supply Chain Management and Business Logistics Management professional certificates from CILTS upon completion of the respective modules.

Following the launch of the programme, the institutions have signed a memorandum of understanding to allow these diploma students to gain free membership to CILTS as Student Affiliates--which will entitle them to networking opportunities and a pathway to gain professional recognition. The launch of this diploma is another notch in the education institution's belt of industry co-developed diplomas and institutional tie-ups with the likes of cyber security body EC-Council, the Institute of Public Relations Singapore, Institution of Engineers Singapore, and more--a concept that PSB Academy has strongly advocated in recent years in its bid to train students and mid-careerists with the relevant technical competence, social skills and learning attitudes to stay on the pulse of the changing workplace.

"This collaboration draws close reference to Singapore's Logistics Industry Transformation Map that was first adopted in 2016 to uplift the service and operations excellence in a sector that is the backbone of trade and commerce.  We are honoured to partner with chambers such as CILTS in amplifying efforts to provide a pathway for students to become specialists that will secure Singapore's mark as a globally leading logistics hub, even as the sector's roadmap for the future becomes smarter and more complex. This comes with an intentional nurturing of 'do-to-learn' attitudes amongst students, and in offering them inlets to meet with and learn from the industry's leading professionals," says Dr Sam Choon Yin, Dean and Head of the School of Business and Management at PSB Academy.

"We're proud to be able to play a part in the nation's ongoing productivity movement in the supply chain industry. With the support of education partners like PSB Academy and other institutes of higher learning, CILTS hopes to continue to lead the charge to encourage the cultivation of deep-learning capabilities among logistics professionals. We believe this commitment to continuous learning will eventually help businesses in Singapore fulfil their ambition as a regional node for market expansion, and we are committed to facilitate the career development of aspiring transport and logistics professionals," says CILTS Vice Chairman A/Prof Chin Hoong Chor, who is also Associate Head (Academic Matters) for the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at NUS.

April and July 2019 intakes for PSB Academy's Diploma in Global Supply Chain Management are now open for application at[2]

Authors: PSB Academy

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