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GAUSSIN Announces a Framework Contract with the Bolloré Group with a Preferential Option on the APM 75T LMP® Until the End of 2025

  • Written by GAUSSIN

First contract for 2 vehicles for the Port of Abidjan

HERICOURT, FRANCE - EQS - 26 March 2019GAUSSIN Manugistique (EURONEXT GROWTH FR0010342329) has announced the signing of a "Preferred Supplier Agreement", a framework contract valid until 31 December 2025, with Unicaf, the Bolloré group's central purchasing arm, for the 100% electric APM 75T "HE" (Hot Environment) equipped with Blue Solutions' LMP® POWERPACK®.


GAUSSIN Announces a Framework Contract with the Bolloré Group with a Preferential Option on the APM 75T LMP® Until the End of 2025

This framework contract is the outcome of the contract signed between Gaussin and Bolloré Ports in February 2018 (cf. press release dated 19 February 2018) on the co-development of the APM 75T. The vehicle has been designed to take account of the specific techniques used by BOLLORE PORTS in the ports it operates. At the same time Gaussin signed a second contract with Blue Solutions with a view to integrating Blue Solutions LMP® Powerpack into Gaussin vehicles. The APM 75T will therefore be equipped with the  LMP® Powerpack.


The framework contract has already led to a 1st order for 2 APM 75T HE vehicles for the port of Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire, which is operated by Bolloré Ports.


The APM 75T HE will be officially presented to the market at the TOC Europe-Rotterdam trade fair in June 2019.

Bolloré Ports, a leader in Africa


Bolloré Ports is the no. 1 port infrastructure operator in Africa and a leading manager of container terminals on this continent.


Bolloré Ports operates 21 container terminals around the world and has plans for 3 new concessions in Asia and Africa.

Every year Bolloré Ports invests some €250m in the construction and development of the port infrastructures entrusted to it to meet the requirement of its clients, ship owners, importers and exporters. 


Abidjan Terminal, Côte d'Ivoire


Situated at the heart of an economic zone serving a population of 320 million, Côte d'Ivoire is the economic powerhouse of West Africa. With its ideal location in the Gulf of Guinea, Abidjan Terminal TC1 is one of the busiest in Africa. And with its integrated logistics platform, it is a model of innovation on the continent.

Since 2004, a programme has been underway to modernise the container terminal in order to anticipate the productivity needs generated by the country's growing economy.

Today the terminal has a capacity of 1,300,000 TEUs.


Upcoming events


Passenger Terminal Expo London, from 26 to 28 March 2019 (Siemens Hall S1-10, Stand 2010)

SITL Paris from 26 to 28 March 2019 (Stand J083)

TOC Asia Singapore, 9 and 10 April 2019 (Gaussin-ST Engineering stand, Stand E20)

Dubai Airport Show from 29 April to 1 May 2019 (Stand 5450)

* This document may contain forward-looking information. Such forward-looking information refers to future prospects, developments and strategies of Gaussin Manugistique and is based on analysis of expected future results and estimates of amounts that are not yet determinable to date. Forward-looking information naturally contains elements of risk and uncertainty relative to events and therefore dependent on circumstances which may or may not occur in the future. Gaussin Manugistique draws your attention to the fact that forward-looking information provides no guarantee concerning its future performance or financial situation, financial results or trends in the sector in which Gaussin Manugistique operates, and which may significantly defer from those proposed or suggested in the forward-looking statements contained in this presentation. Furthermore, even though the financial position of Gaussin Manugistique, its performance and trends in the sector in which Gaussin Manugistique operates comply with the forward-looking information contained in this presentation, such performance or trends may not be a reliable indication of the company's future performance or prospects. Gaussin Manugistique is not committed to updating or confirming analysts' expectations or estimates or to publicly correcting any information or event in order to reflect an event or circumstance eventually occurring following this presentation.

Authors: GAUSSIN

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