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Shahid Kapoor joins the Ultimate Film Star Experience unveils his unique wax figure with Madame Tussauds Singapore

  • Written by Madame Tussauds Singapore

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 16 May 2019 - Joining the NEWLY launched Ultimate Film Star Experience (UFSE) zone at Madame Tussauds Singapore (MTSG), renowned Indian movie star - Shahid Kapoor, unveiled his wax figure with a chorus of dancers, providing media and fans with a once-in-a-lifetime experience. [1]

Shahid Kapoor joins the Ultimate Film Star Experience unveils his unique wax figure with Madame Tussauds Singapore

Shahid Kapoor joins the Ultimate Film Star Experience unveils his unique wax figure with Madame Tussauds Singapore

Shahid Kapoor joins the Ultimate Film Star Experience unveils his unique wax figure with Madame Tussauds Singapore


The newly launched UFSE spanning 2,500 sq ft, brings guests on a journey through the glitz and glamour of Indian cinema culture from the moment they step through the doors and join the world's largest celebration of Indian superstars. The unique experience utilises cutting-edge technology like Kinect and AR to give visitors the chance to step into the limelight:[2]


It is here that cinematic legend Shahid Kapoor unveiled his wax figure in true Bollywood fashion in a full-on display of energetic, vibrant dance moves that set hearts racing, flanked by dancers led by Lavania Hajji, founder of Dance Embassy. The unveiling was also hosted by Renuka Arora Bhagat, celebrity host & founder from Radio Masti 24x7, Singapore's only hindi radio. Best known for his exceptional dance moves, Shahid Kapoor brings an element of interactivity to guests like never before. Through augmented reality at the interactive dance set supported by real-time camera capture, visitors have the chance to be part of a Bollywood chorus of dancers and become the ultimate film stars themselves just like Shahid.


"As an Indian actor, it is an incredibly special moment to be surrounded by the best of Indian cinema icons at Madame Tussauds Singapore, in this unique Ultimate Film Star Experience. Unveiling my very own wax figure here is definitely a lifetime achievement -- it is truly a dream come true. " said Shahid Kapoor.


"We are honoured to have Shahid Kapoor's first & only figure joining our recently launched Ultimate Film Star Experience. The King of Dance will captivate guests whether they are long-standing Indian cinema fans or new to the scene. With all the positive comments and support received for this new Experience, we will continue to work with more and more cinema legends, as well as adding exclusive celebrity content into the zone throughout the year," said Alex Ward, General Manager, Madame Tussauds Singapore.


  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ (

Authors: Madame Tussauds Singapore

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