Asian Spectator

The Times Real Estate


GPE2.0 Eco-Gopay Mall Launch Conference Was Held Successfully in Phuket, Thailand

  • Written by GPE

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach[1] - 01 October 2019 - On September 28, 2019, as an important part of the GPE2.0 ecological strategic planning - the Gopay Mall launch ceremony officially kicked off in Phuket, Thailand. The conference was co-hosted by GPE Foundation and Xiaobai International Alliance Community. The international summit invited major community members from eight countries including Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and etc. All the participants witnessed this exciting moment together and positive feedback and appreciation were received from both domestic and overseas industry experts and investment institutions.

GPE2.0 Eco-Gopay Mall Launch Conference Was Held Successfully in Phuket, Thailand

The history of blockchain development, and the opportunities that blockchain brings to us in the past, present and future stages were discussed during the summit. At the same time, topics such and how to expand Xiaobai International Alliance community bigger and stronger were also discussed. In the end, a detailed discussion about GPE2.0 Eco-Gopay Mall, its innovative thinking and powerful application were recognized by the community members both from domestic and abroad.

GPE Stable Token is a new payment application ecosystem based on the underlying technology of blockchain, which is fair, convenient, efficient and secure for the service business. As an ecosystem of a series of decentralized applications, the core of GPE's Stable Token is distributed technology and consensus mechanisms, which will create a stable payment ecosystem and provide basic services for each sidechain, as long as the global payment ecosystem is adhered to the TOKEN mechanism then the scale, ecology and performance can be expanded indefinitely; on this perfect infrastructure, the ecological development rights are given more to the market to give the ecological currency GPE a stable use scenario.

Gopay Mall is an integral part of the GPE 2.0 ecosystem. GPE users can use GPE for online and offline stores that support GPE token, and users can purchase services through GPE transfer. Gopay mall will also launch a series of offers such as GPE consumer discount rebates. The online mall uses blockchain decentralization technology to enable users become the owners of the mall.

By combining traditional e-commerce payment scenarios with blockchain technology; the combination of traditional e-commerce payment scenarios and blockchain technology, digital currency shopping, mining and other functions integrated into one blockchain e-commerce system. GPE's Gopay mall combines powerful offline experience services with efficient blockchain internet finance to provide more efficient and valuable smart services for all the users and merchants.


  1. ^ Media OutReach (

Authors: GPE

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