Asian Spectator

The world’s top whisky making nations

  • Written by NewsCo

Whisky is a bold, highly regulated spirit consumed across the world. There are many different types of whisky, but they are all made from fermented grain mash. Distilleries add specific grains like wheat, rye, corn and barley to their own special blends depending on the type of whisky they produce.

The most renowned regional whiskies the world over are Scotch Whisky, Tennessee Whiskey, Kentucky Bourbon, Canadian Whisky and Iriash Whiskey, with regions in the different countries producing specialised versions.

So, whether you’re looking for a Glenfiddich 18 Year Old drop, an Aussie Sullivan’s Cove French Oak or a Japanese Shinobu 10 Year Old, here are the world’s best whisky making nations.

  1. Scotland

Scotland is the original home of whisky, and the country most associated with this fine spirit. Scotland is home to some 97 distilleries across various regions producing millions of liters of whisky every. single. year. Key whisky production regions include the Isle of Islay, Speyside and the Highlands, where legendary names like Lagavulin, Glenfarclas Aberfeldy produce stellar drops using fresh Scottish water.

  1. The United States of America

It should come as no surprise that the States is second on this list, with huge names like Jack Daniels and Jim Beam being two of the most purchased whiskies in the world (also the two most easily recognisable). The USA produces 477.4 million liters of whisky every year, with these legendary names making up a large proportion of production.

  1. Ireland

Ireland and whisky drinking are synonymous, with the spirit featuring in endless Irish songs, books, plays etc. It is renowned for its smooth finish, owing to the use of peat in the malting process.

  1. Germany

Whisky production in Germany is a pretty new venture - only around 30 years old, actually. But, as with many things German, they are of a fine quality, producing high quality blends, bourbon and single malts (among others). There are 23 distilleries in Germany producing high quality whisky for connoisseurs interested in countries with less whisky-making history trying their hand at the craft.

  1. Taiwan

Taiwan is renowned across the world for producing one, sole whisky: Kavalan. Kavalan is revered around the world for its single malts, with smooth, sweet flavours making it easy to enjoy no matter how developed your palate is.

  1. Finland

Finnish whisky is another relative newcomer, being some 40 years old, but it has earned a place of respect among the whisky-drinking world for its high quality distilleries like that of Koskenkorva. While the Finns are primarily a schnapps-enjoying nation, they are more than happy to enjoy a fine whisky from their own distilleries!

  1. Australia

Australia’s modern distilleries have been developed since 1992. However, the best Australian distilleries can be found on the southern island of Tasmania, where the water is fresh and the ingredients are of an incredibly high quality. Australian whisky is incredibly unique, with different, bold flavours making it popular among the world’s whisky lovers. Labels like Sullivans Cove are picking up huge attention overseas, as well as a fair few accolades.

  1. Japan

The Japanese love their whisky, and it shows through production rates, as the country makes around 94.5 million liters of whisky every year, making it the fourth largest whisky producer in the world. Japanese whisky is well-renowned for being double-distilled in copper pots, with oak being central to the maturation process.

These are some of the world’s top whisky producers, renowned worldwide for their varying techniques and use of different ingredients that make their spirits so special.


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