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Bank Mandiri and JCB Issued Precious Credit Card

  • Written by ACN Newswire
Bank Mandiri and JCB Issued Precious Credit Card
JAKARTA, Dec 18, 2018 - (ACN Newswire) - PT Bank Mandiri Persero (Tbk) ("Bank Mandiri") and PT JCB International Indonesia, a subsidiary of JCB International Co., Ltd., the international operations subsidiary of JCB Co., Ltd., have started to issue Mandiri-JCB Precious Card targeting the premium segment, especially to online shoppers and travelers.

The initial launching ceremony was carried out by Bank Mandiri Retail Banking Director Donsuwan Simatupang and JCB International Co., Ltd. President & COO Kimihisa Imada in Jakarta, Tuesday (December 18).

Mandiri JCB Precious Credit Card gives delightful online shopping experience by giving complimentary access, complimentary insurance premium protection for online transactions, and also complimentary Rp250,000 e-voucher at to each new cardholder. Cardholders can also enjoy Mandiri offers at more than 10,000 outlets and double Mandiri Fiestapoin from all domestic transactions.

As additional benefits, Mandiri JCB Precious Credit cardholders can enjoy many benefits and a variety of services provided by JCB, especially premium benefits in travel such as airport lounges services in Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea and Thailand. Besides that JCB provides lounge service at JCB PLAZA and JCB PLAZA Lounge to tourists in major travel destinations. JCB PLAZA Tokyo and JCB PLAZA Kyoto offer services such as making reservations and providing sightseeing information. JCB PLAZA Lounge provides exclusive lounge service in Japanese and the local language for JCB cardholders in 8 world-class travel destinations (Seoul, Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei, Hong Kong, Honolulu, Guam and Paris). JCB also provides more than 3,000 privileges and discounts on dining and shops around the world. In addition, cardholders can earn 3 times Mandiri Fiestapoin for any international transaction.

Donsuwan said, "This collaboration is very strategic because it can strengthen the customer base and increase the added value that can be enjoyed by customers. Japan has become one of the top 5 international destinations for our cardholders, adding JCB will complete the product selection offered by Bank Mandiri. Therefore, in this special occasion, I would like to announce that in March 2019, Bank Mandiri will give the best ticket price to Japan, for Mandiri JCB Precious card holders".

Donsuwan added, "This corporate action was also in line with the company's business focus to strengthen market share in the retail banking segment."

As of November 2018, the number of active Bank Mandiri credit cards that have been issued reached more than 2 million cards, with year on year sales volume growth at 10% from the same period last year. Of that amount 10% is international transactions.

Meanwhile, President & COO of JCB InternationaI, Kimihisa Imada said, "We are pleased that Mandiri, one of the largest banks in Indonesia, has become our issuing partner. I believe it will definitely attract many customers with its broad range of benefits and services provided by both parties. Also, I am sure that it will bring Mandiri and JCB many opportunities to expand business in Indonesia that has high potential for the future as the national economy continues to grow."

About PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk

Bank Mandiri is one of the leading banks in Indonesia with financial services to customers that covers Corporate, Commercial, SME, Micro, Consumer Banking and Treasury business segments. Bank Mandiri is currently working with several subsidiaries to support its main business, which include: MandiriSekuritas (capital market service), Bank Syariah Mandiri (Islamic banking), Bank MandiriTaspen / Mantap (UMKM Credit), AXA-Mandiri Financial Services (life insurance), MandiriInHealth (health insurance), Mandiri AXA General Insurance (Mandiri insurance), Mandiri Tunas Finance (financing services), Mandiri Utama Finance (financing services), Mandiri International Remittance (remittances), Mandiri Europe (treasury & financial institution) and Mandiri Capital Indonesia (Venture capital financing).

As of September 2018, Bank Mandiri network has spread throughout Indonesia, covering 4,607 office networks, including 2,632 branches and 1,975 micro networks. Bank Mandiri's distribution services are also equipped with 17,391 ATM units connected in the ATM Link network, ATM Bersama, ATM Prima and Visa / Plus, and 235,671 Electronic Data Capture (EDC) and e-banking networks which include Mandiri Online, SMS Banking and Call Center 14,000

About JCB

JCB is a major global payment brand and a leading payment card issuer and acquirer in Japan. JCB launched its card business in Japan in 1961 and began expanding worldwide in 1981. As part of its international growth strategy, JCB has formed alliances with hundreds of leading banks and financial institutions globally to increase merchant coverage and card member base. As a comprehensive payment solution provider, JCB commits to provide responsive and high-quality service and products to all customers worldwide. For more information, please visit:[1]

Rohan Hafas Corporate SecretaryPT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Telp. 021-5245740 Fax 021-5268246[email protected][2]

Kumiko KidaJCB Co., Ltd.Corporate CommunicationsTel: +81-3-5778-8353Email: [email protected] [3]

Topic: Press release summarySectors: Cards/Payments, Daily Finance, Daily News, ASEAN, Local Business[4][5][6][7][8] From the Asia Corporate News Network

Copyright © 2018 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. A division of Asia Corporate News Network.


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Authors: ACN Newswire

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