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Yangon International Airport Enhances Stakeholder Partnerships; Plans to Boost Global Network

  • Written by ACN Newswire
Yangon International Airport Enhances Stakeholder Partnerships; Plans to Boost Global Network
Yangon, Myanmar, Jan 30, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - Yangon International Airport (YIA) yesterday hosted a reception in appreciation of its airline partners as it looks forward to a more connected future with updated facilities and enhanced airline partnership to handle the expected increases in passenger arrivals following Myanmar's relaxation of entry visa requirements last October.

The reception was held at Mingalar Sky Lounge Terminal 3, graced by Department of Civil Aviation's Director-General U Min Lwin and Deputy Director U Ye Htut Aung, YIA's airline partners, business partners, and the YIA team. Yangon Aerodrome Company Limited (YACL), operator of YIA, expressed their gratitude for partners' continuing support in the growth of tourism and civil aviation in the country.

Following the Myanmar government's efforts to ease visa regulations last year, the number of Asian travelers to the country has increased significantly, with China contributing the bulk of visitors. To date, 32 international airlines and 30 international destinations are operating at YIA, an increase of two airlines and five destinations fro 2017.

According to the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, 3.2 million international visitors, 38% of which came from China, arrived in Myanmar between January and November 2018, an increase of around 2% compared to the previous year. The same period saw 945,022 Asian travelers visiting the country, with China contributing 259,592 travelers.

Mr. Ho Chee Tong, Chief Executive Officer of YACL, expressed thanks to all partners for support receiving 6.03M in 2018. "We look forward to further cooperation with members of the aviation industry for a better 2019. We are working continuously to improve YIA's facilities and operations, and are marketing to improve our connectivity in preparation for the expected increase in passenger demand. We are ready to work with the government and our valued airline partners to boost growth," he added.

About Yangon Aerodrome Company Limited (YACL) - Setting the standard for high performance

Incorporated on 3rd October 2015, Yangon Aerodrome Company Limited (YACL) operates and manages Yangon International Airport (YIA), the gateway to Myanmar. As the company responsible for Myanmar's largest and busiest airport, YACL sets the standard for YIA as a high-performing aviation hub, built on a foundation of daily excellence in infrastructure, operations and management.

Strategically located between India and China, Myanmar is less than six hours by air from two-thirds of the world's population. With Myanmar gaining popularity as a travel destination, YACL is committed to scaling up YIA's handling capacity for visitor traffic while continuously providing quality experiences for passengers and airlines alike.

YIA has 47 retail and service stores and 23 F&B outlets. With 32 international airlines connecting Myanmar to 30 destinations, YIA served a total of 6.035 million passengers from around the world in 2018. media queries, please contact the YACL Media Office at [email protected]. [1][2]

Topic: Press release summarySectors: Transportation/Logistics, Airlines, Travel & Tourism, Local Business[3][4][5][6] From the Asia Corporate News Network

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  2. ^ [email protected] (
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Authors: ACN Newswire

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