Asian Spectator

The Times Real Estate


Australian Honey Bee Industry United on Manuka

  • Published in Asia Net
PERTH, Western Australia, 13 June 2018/Medianet International-AsiaNet/-- The Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) is the Peak Industry Body for the Australian Beekeeping Industry in Australia, representing honey producers, packers, pollinators, queen bee breeders, and equipment manufacturers and suppliers. ...

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‘Negara +62’: Kode telepon global yang kini jadi narasi kritik sosial

Salah satu pekerja yang tengah menggelar aksi demonstrasi pada Oktober 2020 di Bandung, Indonesia, untuk menolak Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja.Algi Febri SugitaIstilah “+62” awalnya dikenal se...

Choosing the Right Wholesale Packaging Supplies for Your Industry in Adelaide

In the bustling business landscape of Adelaide, effective packaging is more than just a container; it's a crucial element of your brand identity, product protection, and overall customer experience...

3 alasan mengapa tes kehamilan pada remaja di sekolah harus dilarang

Ilustrasi tes kehamilan pada remaja.Diego Cervo/ShutterstockAwal tahun 2025, kebijakan salah satu SMA di Cianjur, Jawa Barat, menggemparkan publik karena mewajibkan siswa menjalani tes kehamilan selep...