Asian Spectator

The Times Real Estate


UNiDAYS and Ad Age Studio 30 Unveil Gen Z Travel Behaviors in ...

  • Published in Asia Net
NEW YORK, June 27, 2018 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ -- -- Meet Gen Z: The Traveling Generation reveals surprising findings from over 11,000 students aged 17-23 in the U.S., U.K., Australia and New Zealand. Gen Z might be the youngest consumer generation, but they have the interest, independence an...

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Uniknya jargon Ramadan khas Indonesia: Dari ‘munggahan’ hingga ‘ngabuburit’

(Andi Ariesda/Shutterstock)Ramadan membawa banyak pengaruh terhadap berbagai aspek kehidupan kaum muslim, termasuk dalam ragam bahasa dan cara berkomunikasi. Sepanjang bulan suci ini, umat Islam di In...

‘Negara +62’: Kode telepon global yang kini jadi narasi kritik sosial

Salah satu pekerja yang tengah menggelar aksi demonstrasi pada Oktober 2020 di Bandung, Indonesia, untuk menolak Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja.Algi Febri SugitaIstilah “+62” awalnya dikenal se...

Choosing the Right Wholesale Packaging Supplies for Your Industry in Adelaide

In the bustling business landscape of Adelaide, effective packaging is more than just a container; it's a crucial element of your brand identity, product protection, and overall customer experience...