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Online marketers united - against sexism.

Two female executives from the Reutlingen-based and Berlin-based agency impulsQ are spearheading this initiative. In addition, over 80 well-known firms in the online marketing sector and other industries have already offered their support.

The founders and managing directors of impulsQ GmbH from Reutlingen and Berlin, Gesina Kunkel, Natalie Brosy, and Martin Brosy, would like to raise as much financial support as possible for the Relief organization "Wirbelwind Reutlingen." They hope to achieve this through a countrywide fundraising drive called "Together Against Sexism."

The anti-sexism campaign started on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, with the launch of the corresponding campaign page

Up-to-date and representative statistics information from the Human Rights Channel, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), and even the Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes (Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency) will be included. Furthermore, more information regarding sexism on the site and participating firms are identified by name and logo.

At the moment, more than 80 companies, including several well-known online marketing representatives, have promised their support by displaying the campaign seal on their online platforms or websites and/or providing monetary contributions. Due to the overwhelming reaction, companies from different industries have already joined the campaign.

Discrimination is a daily issue in Germany, particularly for women at work. Above all, many women face sexist hostility in the digital universe of the Internet. However, sexist statements and acts are not unusual in close interaction with colleagues.

Gesina Kunkel and Natalie Brosy were personally affected by this, which prompted them to launch the anti-sexism campaign. Both will share their experiences on the campaign page and in YouTube interviews.

Visit for additional information and early access to the campaign site.


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