Asian Spectator

BingX Launches USDC-Margined Perpetual Swap for its Users


Using Bitcoin as an example, traders will be able to place an order based on the quantity of bitcoin and trade with USDC. This new perpetual swap joins other existing offerings on BingX's trading platform.

"Given the current circumstances, everyone is worried about the volatility of the USDT so it is only fitting that we adjust accordingly to meet the changes and market demands. Over the past week, we've been listening to the cries of users and have sought to answer their prayers by launching our USDC-margined perpetual swap, which is relatively more reliable and trusted. BingX will continue to add more value through its new innovative products" said Elvisco Carrington, Global Communications & PR Director at BingX.

Most recently, BingX also launched a financial product that allows traders to invest in a project for a short-term period of 7-days (in USDT), which was very well-received. There will be a second project coming soon and it could very well be in USDC. Stay tuned as BingX will be launching more diversified products and services.

About BingX

Founded in 2018, BingX has grown to become the world's leading social trading platform offering popular coins such as , , , , and . It is a global digital asset, spot, and derivatives trading platform that provides a safe, reliable, user-centric, and open ecosystem with intuitive social trading features to enrich the entire cryptocurrency industry. In the countries and regions where BingX operates, it has registered or obtained financial services licenses recognized and regulated by local governments.



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