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P2E.Game, a one-stop GameFi and NFT Information Aggregation Platform, has launched the Launchpad aggregation Section

Regardless of the scale, blockchain games need to be launched from the launchpad. P2E.Game developed an AI algorithm combining with big data intelligent model, focusing on displaying platform token price, market value, TVL, transaction volume, IDO projects number and ROI. The information helps players to discover quality launchpads, collections of launched projects and comparisons of price performance of previous launched projects, and provides information on the date and threshold of participation in IDO.

The core team of P2E.Game consists of long-term GameFi players, professional investors and senior blockchain engineers. By combining Web3.0, Blockchain underlying technology and GameFi, the team introduces a one-stop GameFi and NFT information platform that integrates Launchpad, Game library, NFT aggregator and News to provide players with comprehensive guidance and the latest news, building a win-win ecology for all three parties of platform, players and projects.

For projects, P2E.Game launches E2E (Email To Earn) product to connect projects with users through a more effective Web3-sense of marketing. Thus, more capital on projects can be attracted to ecological construction, promoting the Launchpad to teach potential players and build a sizable player pool, and providing another channel for Launchpad to maintain player loyalty. For players, they have access to the global GameFi community where they can share insights, and engage all members in community governance and development in the form of DAO autonomous communities.

P2E.Game presents a panoramic view of launchpads such as token prices, market cap, TVL, trading volume, IDO projects number, and ROI. That information could help players to find the most promising launchpad and projects launched, which can save users plenty of time by avoiding switching between various platforms.

P2E.Game has also launched Spotlight section to help investors and players to find upcoming GameFi projects with information on date range, entry price, and total raise number. The platform also introduces a P2E score based on a specific algorithm that indicates whether a project is of high quality or not. For fresh players, P2E.Game also has a Getting Started Section where they can find a lot of useful advice about GameFi and NFT in the least amount of time.



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