Asian Spectator

Lockdown Escape Has Launched Its Newest Virtual Reality Game

It is only the second game to have been developed by the company, the first one having been released in late 2020.

The game features Lockdown Escape's highly recognisable bear mascot as the VR avatar. Upon starting, the player is thrust into an immersive virtual environment where the goal of the game is to escape. Unlike regular escape room games, virtual reality escape games emphasise effective storytelling, realistic and cutting-edge special effects, and an undeniable sense of immersion.

Lockdown Escape is one of Singapore's premier destinations for escape room games – both real and virtual. They specialise in the development of intellectually stimulating, immersive, and meticulously crafted escape games. Lockdown VR: Circus of the Dead, the latest of these games, had to undergo an extended period of animation and development, followed by months of rigorous testing to ensure peak performance. As a result of the ongoing pandemic, most of the development had to occur via video calls or within the VR environment itself.

Lockdown Escape is one of the only companies in the world that designs its own VR games and board games. The company welcomes anyone who enjoys the puzzle of solving escape rooms or who is interested in the world of VR to give their newest game a try. The experience of attempting an escape room in virtual reality is a distinctive one, the likes of which are unheard of in Singapore. Take advantage of this unique opportunity and bond with friends and family through a gaming experience unlike no other.

A third game is currently in its final stages of development, with Lockdown Escape projecting the game's release to take place somewhere in November of this year.

For more information on Lockdown Escape, visit

Hashtag: #LockdownEscape


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