Asian Spectator

The Times Real Estate


World Vision’s Asia Summit reflects on leading sustainable change for children

The Limitless 2022: Asia Summit for Corporate Good delivered impactful sessions and discussions, including issues of youth and inclusive economic growth, technology and education, hunger and sustainable food systems, climate change and bottom lines, and volunteerism for re-engagement.

The summit rallied around the impact that strategic partnerships with corporations can make to positively impact children and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

More than 400 corporations and NGOs, over 30 of them from Hong Kong, came together to exchange views on concrete steps they can take to address issues facing children across the Asia Pacific region, for instance, exploring possibilities of applying their resources to overcome social and economic challenges experienced by children in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

World Vision has worked across the Asia Pacific region for decades. In 2021 alone, World Vision directly impacted the lives of 18.7 million people in the region, of which 7.5 million were children.

Hashtag: #WorldVision #AsiaSummit


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