Asian Spectator

Latest SonicWall Threat Report Uncovers Seismic Shift in Cyber Arms Race Due to Geopolitical Unrest as Cyberattacks Climb

  • 2.8 billion malware attacks (+11%) recorded in the first half of 2022 — first escalation of global malware volume in more than three years
  • While ransomware volume shrunk 23% worldwide, Europe saw 63% increase
  • Even in decline, year-to-date ransomware volume exceeded full-year totals of 2017, 2018 and 2019
  • Financial sector saw cyberattacks climb drastically: malware up 100%, a 243% spike in ransomware, and a 269% increase in cryptojacking attempts
  • 45% increase in 'never-before-seen' malware variants, up 21x since SonicWall began tracking in 2018
  • Encrypted threats, IoT malware increased 132% and 77% year-over-year, respectively


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