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Blued upgraded its international version to an online community HeeSay

  • Written by HeeSay
BANGKOK, THAILAND - Media OutReach Newswire[1] - 5 January 2024 - Blued, the LGBTQ+ social frontrunner, upgraded its international version to an online community HeeSay.

Blued upgraded its international version to an online community HeeSay

Apart from the original dating and matchmaking feature, HeeSay also offers an array of social scenes like posting, livestreams, and voice chat to encourage LGBTQ+ users to connect and share and make this digital community more diversified and open-minded.

Speaking on the intention behind the brand upgrade, the spokesperson from HeeSay stated that observations of global market users have revealed that the LGBTQ+ community, while socializing, also needs a platform where they can express opinions, share stories, and engage in entertainment. This platform is designed to enhance their sense of belonging.

"This digital community not only allows you to find your true love but also to make like-minded friends as well as to become a storyteller of your own and LGBTQ+ community. " the spokesperson added.

He also revealed that in the future, HeeSay will launch a broader range of thematic activities in various global markets based on these features. These activities aim to attract more passionate LGBTQ+ creators who dare to express themselves, creating an exclusive online content community for the LGBTQ+ group.

Hashtag: #LGBTQ+

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


  1. ^ Media OutReach Newswire (

Authors: HeeSay

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