Asian Spectator

The Times Real Estate


ICBC (Asia) e-Sports Music Festival Hong Kong

  • Written by Hong Kong Tourism Board

HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach[1] - 15 August 2018 - The ICBC (Asia) e-Sports & Music Festival Hong Kong (EMFHK) returns this summerwith professional gamers competing for glory at three international e-sports tournamentsfrom 24 to 26 August at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.


Organised by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), the second annual EMFHK will be larger in scale and will seeover 110 players from all over the world battle it out at the acclaimed "Return of the Legends 2018"; and two new tournaments, the "Hong Kong PUBG World Invitational" and the "ZOTAC CUP MASTERS CS:GO 2018 Grand Finals".


The "ZOTAC CUP MASTERS CS:GO 2018 Grand Finals" will offer a total prize pool of US$300,000 (over HK$2 million), setting a new record in Hong Kong's e-sports tournament.


While DJ Soda and singer-songwriter Gin Lee will grace the stage at the Tournament Zone, gaming fans will get to try their hand at the latest games and enjoy a host of music and entertainment programmes at the Experience Zone. Gadget lovers will be able to shop for everything digital at the Hong Kong Computer & Communications Festival (HKCCF) 2018.



Tickets for the Tournament Zoneare priced at HK$250 HK$120 and HK$50; and available at[2]. Tickets for the Experience Zone and the HKCCF are priced at HK$10 and HK$30, respectively; and available at the venue.


Live broadcasts:

Multiple online platforms will live stream the e-sports tournaments in Cantonese, Mandarin and English.

ICBC (Asia) e-Sports Music Festival Hong Kong  ICBC (Asia) e-Sports Music Festival Hong Kong

The ICBC (Asia) e-Sports & Music Festival Hong Kong will take place from 24 to 26 August 2018.


Participating teams:


Return of the Legends 2018

Team East

Gogoing (Mainland China)

inSec (South Korea)

Bebe (Taiwan)

Tabe (Hong Kong)

U (Mainland China)

Team West

Dyrus (US)

Hai (US)

Alex Ich (Russia)

Tabzz (Netherlands)

Lemonation (US)


Hong Kong PUBG World Invitational


FaZe Clan, Team Liquid

Hong Kong




Mainland China

17, LGD, OMG

North America

TSM, Cloud9


AeroWolf ADS, Refund Gaming

South Korea

Cloud9 KR, Roccat


FlashWolves, AHQ





South Korea

Team MVP

Mainland China

TYLOO, VG.FlashGaming

North America

OpTic Gaming, Ghost Gaming

Poland, Team Kinguin


For details on the EMFHK visit[3]


The latest press materials can be downloaded from HERE[4]


Video can be downloaded from HERE[5]


  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ (
  3. ^ (
  4. ^ HERE (
  5. ^ HERE (

Authors: Hong Kong Tourism Board

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